*Men = Males = Alpha Gender Class
*Women = Females = Beta Gender (Woman) Class
*Helpmeets = Authentic Wives = Eve-types (ARE NOT DAUGHTERS)
**ATTENTION: EVE-TYPES ARE NOT DAUGHTERS! They are Intimate Companions (Intimacy Angels) of Adamah-types, and are from the start Adult Wives made (each from one rib of their particular Adamah-type) by the Lord God-Adonai (SEE Genesis 2:21-23) to address the "Loneliness Factor" particular to Adamah-types, described in the Book of Genesis 2:18 ("And the Lord God said, It is NOT GOOD THAT THE [Adamah-type] SHOULD BE ALONE [emphasis added]; I will make [the Adamah-type] an help meet for [the Adamah-type]." KJV)
*Children = Sons and Daughters = Adamah (Adam)-types
**Sons = Assimilated Patrilineal Adamah-types
**Daughters = non-Assimilated non-Patrilineal Adamah-types
[ASIDE: Outside of Evolution, all beings made in the image and after the likeness of God, who are born (or made from the dust of the Earth), are DEFAULT ADAMAH-types.]
**The custom of labeling Adamah-types with Gender Class stratification differentiates between whether the baby is a model of their Alpha Gender Class Parent (a.k.a. Father) or not. To be specific, each baby in the Alpha Gender Class inherit a Patrilineal Y-Chromosome style seed that includes the Alpha Gender Class Developmental Model (a.k.a. Manhood Model) from their Alpha Gender Class Parent, while each baby in the Beta Gender (Woman) Class inherit a non-Patrilineal active X-Chromosome style seed from their Alpha Gender Class Parent. For example, each Son is "made in the image and after the likeness of their Father" (SEE Genesis 5:3) with the foreskin "Seal of Uncircumcision" (by birth) that indicates that they were ASSIMILATED AT THE BLOOD AND SEED into the Blood Lineage and Family Tree of their Father, while each Daughter is born with an issue of blood that indicates distinction (at the genetics/heredity) from the blood and biological material pattern of their Father. [NOTE: The issue of blood is significant enough for the mothers of Jewish Daughters to separate after childbirth for 80 days (Leviticus 12:5), in preparation for a ritual cleansing (mikvah).] [NOTE: Daughters are not enfranchised into Bloodlines and Family Trees, and subsequently are not required to carry Family Names, yet each have a Maiden Name, which indicates their Family Name at birth.]