
Christian Name
HaBat Adonai Yehovah

...for Jesus Christ Everyday NOW


I am a de facto Citizen of the Commonwealth of Israel, and Daughter of God-Elohai! (Ephesians 2-3; Romans 11)

*Born: Southfield, MI on March 26, 1982


*Grade School Educated: Detroit, MI
-------------------------1st-5th Grade: Cooke Elementary School
-------------------------6th Grade: St. Scholastica Catholic School
-------------------------7th-8th Grade: Beaubien Middle School
-------------------------9th-10th Grade: Cass Technical High School
-------------------------10th-12th Grade: Renaissance High School


*Higher Educated: from years 2000-2004 and 2004-2006
-------------------------Undergrad Studies: Siena Heights University (Catholic University in Adrian, MI)
-------------------------Graduate School: Indiana University-Bloomington (Bloomington, IN)


*Athletic Activities:
-------------------------6th-12th Grade: Basketball and Track & Field
-------------------------Undergrad Studies: Track & Field


*Professional Experience: Web Director/Developer at T.I.S. Inc. (Bloomington, IN), from years 2006-2009


*Religious/Spiritual Progression: Rededicated my life to Jesus Christ (Lord God Almighty), after the start of year 2007. Experienced a revelatory epiphany, while appropriately translating the Holy Bible towards my edification as a single celibate woman who embraces certain concepts of Feminism (w/ deference to Christian Feminism, including YES-to-Theocratic Patriarchy, and NO-to-Matriarchy***). Departed ways from an American Baptist-style Christian Denomination (...American Church of my youth). Nevertheless, I continued charitable giving to Female Empowerment Organizations, such as the Girl Scouts, Girls Inc., and the American Heritage Girls.

--->I AM A NON-JEWISH CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY (The Religious Ethnicity unto Yeshua Messiah)<---
--->[SEE 1 John 5:5; Romans 11:17-25; Ephesians 2:12-13,19; Matthew 22:30; Mark 12:25; Luke 20:34-36]<---

***Matriarchy traces descent through Maternal lineage (instead of Paternal lineage), and only focuses on the production of daughters, who are considered to be a Harlots, while others born under such social systems are considered to be abominations. So...I DETEST MATRIARCHY, because it would have classified Jesus Christ (the Son of God) to be an abomination. (EXAMPLE: Mystery Babylon the Great is a significant example of Matriarch-style rule in descent [production of children], because she is the "Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth." [SEE Revelation 17-18])


*Religious/Spiritual Pilgrimage: Started, in year 2009, to REDUCE dependence on Worldly Goods and 'hit the road' with a truck and camper, after resignation from the Web Director/Developer position at T.I.S. Inc. In year 2013, I traveled to Canada, RENOUNCED USA CITIZENSHIP, and protested/demonstrated from city-to-city in the state of Washington (April - September 2013). Preeminent destination is Jerusalem, in the country ISRAEL.


*POLITICALLY PROTESTED as an Anti-War and Anti-Bush Administration Protester, years 2001-2004, with the Lenawee Peacemakers (Adrian, MI)*
*Protest/Demonstrations, Political Dissent: 

  • -------------------------Years 2001-2004: Anti-War and Anti-Bush Administration protested with the Lenawee Peacemakers (Adrian, MI)
  • -------------------------Years 2001-2004: Protested Executive Branch of USA
  • -------------------------Year 2013: I Protest/Demonstrate against the USA for its LACK of effective JUDICIAL/LEGAL SYSTEM FOLLOW-THROUGH
  • ------------------------------------------I Protest/Demonstrate against the USA's GLOBAL EMPIRE [SECULAR INFLUENCE ORIENTED] EXPANSION plans (which are furthered under the guise of globalization and humanitarian aid operations). [NOTE: Secularism (separation of Church and State) is HIGH TREASON in the Theocracy of Lord God Almighty. As a Christian, I only support living among Jewish Theocracy (unto Lord God Almighty-Adonai).]
  • ------------------------------------------I Protest/Demonstrate against the USA for its FAILURE to include DECAPITATION AND INCINERATION as EFFECTIVE methods of execution
  • --------------RELIGIOUSLY--------------I RENOUNCE/DENOUNCE NON-JEWISH BLOODLINES, as a RITE OF PASSAGE into the Jewish "BODY OF CHRIST." (SEE Matthew 19:29; Romans 11:17-25) [NOTE: I DO NOT SUPPORT NON-JEWISH BLOODLINES. I only support the BLOODLINE (and blood pattern) OF JESUS CHRIST-Yeshua Messiah. (SEE Ephesians 2:11-13) Therefore, it is easy to assume that conversion to the "Body of Christ" w/ participation in Holy Communion influences one's Christian body (of Non-Jewish heredity) to conform to the glorious body of Jesus Christ-Yeshua Messiah. (SEE Ephesians 5:30--For we are members of {Christ} body, of {Christ} flesh, and of {Christ} bones.)]
  • -------------EXISTENTIALLY-------------I SUPPORT fore-key Circumcision (removal of clitoris) for the unglorified body, as a chaste infertile* Daughter of God-Elohai (to conform to the Lord God's Shekhinah, before the "End of the World") (*NOTE: The Daughters of God DO NOT HAVE ACTIVE FERTILITY. Active Fertility requires that one has Manhood [Masculinity] and Sonship, simply the "POWER TO BEGET." For example, the 3rd Son of Adamah called Seth was "made in the Image and after the Likeness of Adamah" [Genesis 5:3]. In procreation terms, Adamah beget Seth w/ fertility seed generated in his testicles. Outside of Marriage, the natural state of Daughters of God is Virginity [towards Holiness], without ovaries [SEE 1 Corinthians 7:34]. So, Virginal Daughters of God DO NOT HAVE FERTILITY SEEDS. As a Daughter, it is not natural [and normal] to just have seed sacks full of active fertility seeds, especially since DAUGHTERS DO NOT HAVE THE POWER TO BEGET.)
  • ------------------------------------------I DO NOT SUPPORT the Non-traditional Baptist Church practice of baptizing children. [NOTE: Only congregants, who have reached the "Age of Accountability" (e.g., Adults, and certain Teenagers) should be permitted to participate in the Religious Rite of Baptism (esp. full immersion Baptism).]
  • ------------------------------------------
  • ------------------------------------------I DO NOT SUPPORT Medical/Health Care, which is the "PAGAN CULT of Asclepius" (an apostate Healing Temple Order w/ an OLD SERPENT ON A STAFF as the medical symbol).  [NOTE: Medical/Health Care actively operates to SECULARIZE HEALING, and move the practice of Medical away from its necessary Religious context in Greek Mythology.]
  • ------------------------------------------I DO NOT SUPPORT Medical/Health Care, because it is a DOCTORED BONDAGE PAGANIZATION CULT. [SEE Galatians 5:1--"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."]
  • ------------------------------------------I DO NOT SUPPORT Medical/Health Care, because it promotes/includes FALSE DOCTRINE. [SEE 1 Timothy 1:4; 2 Timothy 4:3-4]
  • ------------------------------------------I DO NOT SUPPORT Universal Health Care. Also, it is INHUMANE to sustain PERSISTENT VEGETATIVE STATE! Yet, Medical/Health Care continues to pump food and drugs into the bodies of many who suffer from severe forms of PALSY! --->In short, Medical/Health Care accommodates the lowest QUALITY OF LIFE, while REAL HEALERS effectively/efficiently HEAL and "LIFE GOES ON" gracefully without the ILL HOUSE.<---


*Bragging rights:
Escaped the Ghetto City Scenes of Detroit, Achieved a 4.0 year in Middle School, Participated in 2 Grade School Sports (Basketball and Track & Field) for at least 6 Years, Graduated from a Magnet High School, was a McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program Scholar, Achieved Undergrad and Post-Grad Degrees in 6 years, Landed (in town ;) ) a Job with the Indiana University Alumni Association soon after Graduation, Got a Full-Time Professional Managerial Position in less than 5 Months After Graduation, Successfully OPERATED MY MOTOR VEHICLE with attached camper on the scenic Montana by-way IN VARIABLE WEATHER

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