[DISCLAIMER: I am not an authority on the Institution of Marriage. I shall never marry (be married, or given in marriage). I'm a single, and celibate Christian Woman.]
*KEY TERMS: Marriage - Religious (Matrimonial Partnership) or Civil (Non-Religious Matrimonial Partnership); Civil Union/Partnership (Non-Matrimonial Marriage-like Arrangement w/ legal benefits); Common Law Marriage (Marriage-like Cohabitation Partnership w/o legal status); Domestic Partnership (Unmarried Living Together w/ legal benefits); Interfaith Marriage (Mixed-Faith/Religion-Marriage); Spousal (Couples') Registry; Population Registry
*USEFUL ARTICLE: https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-could-you-marry-in-israel-1.5250455 (IMAGE BELOW from Haaretz.com)
***ATTENTION: ISRAEL ONLY ALLOWS RELIGIOUS MARRIAGE (for Couples of the same Faith/Religion)***
- *Who cannot get officially married (recognized) in Israel?
Unrecognized Religion Couples, Interfaith Couples, Non-Religious Couples, and Same-Sex Couples
-----Unrecognized Religion Couples: Mormons (LDS), Baptists, Pentecostals, Evangelicals, Seventh-Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.
- *Does Israel recognize marriages entered into abroad (outside of Israel)?
Yes. Israel recognizes Religious, Civil, Interfaith, and Same-Sex Marriages that were performed outside of Israel
- *Why this all matters to amend (make fairer) now?*
Right now, most unmarried Christian Couples (from Unrecognized Christian Churches) are on the same level as Same-Sex (Gay) Couples in Israel, which means that they cannot officially marry in Israel, yet they could get Civil Unions/Partnerships, Common Law Marriages, or Domestic Partnerships. Well, THAT IS INSULTING, because Marriage in Christianity is the Religious Rite of Holy Matrimony, in which Christian Couples do more than just "SHACK UP." Christian Couples deserve the same respect that Jewish Couples get w/ Holy Matrimony in traditional Judaism. Besides, the Israeli Government already considers Messianic Judaism to be synonymous w/ Christianity, which it classifies to be a Non-Jewish Religion (esp. in the legalese of "Law of Return"-Aliyah). So, the Israeli Government should amend its laws to place all Christian Churches under Messianic Judaism, and recognize that MESSIANIC JUDAISM is still a JEWISH RELIGION (the Recognized Religion of Israel).
-*CONTEXTUAL ASIDE about the significance of Holy Matrimony in Marriage*
[NOTE: This article was written from a Patriarchal view. This is not an endorsement of Matriarchy. I am a Daughter of God, who shall live forever in the Lord God's Theocratic Patriarchy.]
+ Marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN/WOMEN (1 MAN of the Alpha Gender Class and 1 or MORE WOMEN of the Beta Gender/Woman Class)
-----Marriage is for "the MAN" to get CONTRACT HELPERS called Wives
+ Holy Matrimony is between an SON OF GOD and a DAUGHTER OF MAN/GOD (SEE Genesis 6:1-3; Hebrews 13:4; Ephesians 5:23; 1 Peter 3:1-7)