Sunday, December 25, 2022

*CHURCH REVELATION OF 2022: Jesus-Yeshua of Nazareth (the Messiah) was actually born on the first day of Sukkot (Feast of the Tabernacles)

  • Who's to blame for the invention of Christmas as a December Holiday? The 4th century Roman Emperor Constantine, who legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire
  • When and Why did Emperor Constantine cause the Church in Rome to celebrate Christ-Messiah's birthday in December? In the early 4th century, officially around 336 AD, the Church of Rome under Emperor Constantine's direction formally celebrated the Birth-Nativity of Christ-Messiah on December 25th as an intentional replacement for the Pagan Roman Holidays of Saturnalia (honoring the Agricultural God Saturn from December 17-25), and Mithra (celebrating the birth of the Sun God [of Light] on December 25th)
    [NOTE: Roman Emperor Constantine also changed the Sabbath Day (from Saturday) to Sunday in 321 AD.]
Despite the hype on December 25th, as a Messianic-Christian who has never celebrated a Pagan Holiday (and never focused on any Pagan God-Deity), I still choose to recognize/honor Jesus-Yeshua on any day that I can find time to magnify the memory of my Jewish Lord-Savior-Master (even on December 25th).

So...Happy Birthday Yeshua HaMashiach (My Adon)!