Thursday, May 30, 2013


Tuesday, May 28, 2013:

Previous Day: Once again, I decided to spend the night in an obvious I settled down on a window ledge at the King County Courthouse. Soon after, 2 area enforcement officers (security SLASH law enforcement officers ???) approached, stated that I was not allowed to stay at the courthouse, and suggested that I spend the night at the local shelter (conveniently located across the street).

[NOTE: Earlier that night, I tried to find a nice spot to pop my tent along the upper level areas of a huge generic city building with a 1-room overnight shelter, however I quickly noticed the "no camping" and "no trespassing" signs around the outer areas of the building. So, as I walked to the ground level (just outside of the area, where the horribly ventilated 1-room indoor shelter was located) a shelter guard approached, and asked me if I was trying to find the shelter. I mentioned that I just wanted to find an outdoor spot to pop my tent. The shelter guard said, "Ok" and continued monitoring the area. After that brief interaction, I decided to sleep, once again, at the courthouse.]

One of the area enforcement officers, requested that I meet them over at the shelter. So, I packed up and walked over to the exterior shelter walls. The exterior of the 1-room (in a huge building) shelter resembled modular fold-out walls typically showcased at concert/event stadium venues. Eventually, I noticed that one of the tall rectangular wall panes actually was a door, and walked into a hall, which led to an Einstein Brothers Bagles corner shop. I briefly looked into the shelter room, located across from the wall door, and noticed a profuse odor emerging from the door towards my nostrils. So, I proceeded to pop my tent in the hall, outside of the horribly-ventilated 1-room shelter, and emphasized that decision to the area enforcement officer.

DAY OF SIGHTs: By morning, I picked up some breakfast at the Einstein Brothers Bagles shop. Soon after, I experienced an eureka moment, blew my nose free of mucus, and decided to wash the shelter stench out of my clothing. I did some quick online local laundromat research and trekked towards a laundromat, located on 12th Ave. 

After a refreshing hour of laundry cleaning, I casually strolled west on Denny Way, and continued my trek all the way to the Space Needle. I trekked around the "Seattle Center" district, which includes the Space Needle, Pacific Science Center, Chihuly Garden and Glass, Seattle Repertory Theatre, and Key Arena. Considering the awesome sights beheld, I continued my sightseeing tour towards the waterfront, starting with a visit to Olympic Sculpture Park, along the Alaskan Way. Eventually, I popped my tent, for the night, at a park near the Pike Place Market, across from the Seattle Aquarium.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013:

DAY OF DISSENT: Unfortunately, it rained overnight, and a small amount of rain water got into certain areas of my tent (along the seams). Since, I desired new socks and tent seam sealer, and spotted REI on a tour map, I started my eastward trek from the Waterfront to the Interstate. 

After a trip to REI, with nothing else to do for the rest of the day, I decided to step my legal dissent up a landing, and took the protest/demonstration to the square concrete steps of the Seattle Police Department. I presented the "RENUNCIATION and TREASON" statement, for much of the protest/demonstration, from a concrete step. Also, I sidestepped towards the surveillance cameras and front glass doors over a dozen times during the demonstration.

With earplugs in my ears, it seemed as if I, one who demonstrated with a notepad, distinctly attracted a decent reception. A few pedestrians approached the notepad and took a closer look at the statement. Yet another lady, who sat on a window ledge outside of the Police Department building, spent her time taking notes, standing up and down, and turning towards me while rambling.

Once again, it started to rain, so I postponed the camping extravaganza at the Police Department, for another day.

--->TO CAMP WHILE BARRED...hmm, maybe I'll get a fair weather hearing, sometime in the near month, after the arrest of the past month.

BACK TO the FIELDS OF REFLECTIVE BLANKETS: Unfortunately, after traveling down the hill and popping my tent at an obvious corner spot outside of a Western Ave. furniture store, facing the Alaskan Way, THE AREA SECURITY INTERRUPTED THE highway sound TRANQUILITY by asking me to move. So, I picked up my open tent, and carried everything back to an area across from the Seattle Aquarium. As usual, the reflective bum grounds did not attract me, so I placed my tent down, a few paces away, in front of a wide concrete pillar near the entrance of a parking garage.


Thursday, May 30, 2013:

AWAKENED by the SOUND of GUARDS: Once again, I was abruptly awakened by the sound of security guards outside my tent. So, around 5 am, I trekked along Alaskan Way, and eventually stopped at a local Starbucks for a morning kick of SOY CHAI TEA LATTE WITH WHIPPED CREAM.

SEARCH for FREE WIFI: I trekked up the hill to the Washington State Convention and Trade Center. I rode the escalator to a floor with benches and an art museum showcase, and sat down on a side bench. Yet, a security guard approached and said " can do that in the public areas..." [IN OTHER WORDS: Use one's laptop in areas full of people eating food and chatting loudly!].

So, I moved up to a conference/exhibition level floor, and sat down at a side wall laptop station, across from a Subway shop. While waiting for the wifi to connect, I started to doze off, and THE SECURITY GUARD ASKED ME TO LEAVE THE PREMISES. SHOCKING...RIIIIGHT...I was, actually, in the right area, since I just wanted to use my laptop.

Oh well, I took my belongings ACROSS THE ROAD to the Sheraton Seattle Hotel. Initially, I sat down in the lobby computer center, across from the hotel Starbucks. Yet, over the course of an hour, more hotel guests stopped by the computer center. So, I moved to another computer area in the lounge (bar/sofa) room. Soon after, a security guard mentioned that the lounge is only for hotel guests, and requested that I leave.

Nevertheless, I decided to check out the computer center at the Springhill Suites Marriot, since I experienced some free-wifi luck there earlier in the week. Magically, the hotel computers, NOW, REQUIRE AUTHENTICATION (a password).

So, once again, I trekked back to the Washington State Convention and Trade Center. This time, I experienced better luck in 3 [CAN STILL GET ONE BOOTED] areas: a wooden bench on a mid-level floor, the ladies restroom, and a concrete bench next to a virtual information screen (across from the "juicycafe" shop).

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