*New GoFundMe.com Page Link: http://gofundme.com/HYCharity
(NOTE: I opened a new Fundraiser page, because my former GoFundMe page was disabled at the Donations page [ :| *IRONICALLY DISABLED AT THE PAGE for FUND...RAISING*]. The past GoFundMe page links: .../KJCharity, and .../KJCharity2020)
*DETAILS: It is now 2021, yet I'm as ready as ever to return to "My Place of Refuge" Israel. According to the U.S. Consulate General of Israel in Boston, the DENIAL OF ENTRY INTO ISRAEL ends in 2022. Hopefully, by next year, the COVID-19/Coronavirus "PLAGUE-demic" restrictions THROUGHOUT THE WORLD will be lifted. (I'm praying for an end to the MASKING OF THE WORLD by 2022.)
Check out my latest travel journal posts:
+ Header: *2021 (AM 5781): Thou (God-Yahweh) crownest the year with thy goodness, and thy paths overflow with plenty*