Wednesday, June 11, 2014

QUICK PROTEST: American Churches are by far HERETICAL...

QUICK PROTEST: American Churches are by far HERETICAL...they observe the Sabbath on Sunday, among other LACK OF WISDOM VIOLATIONS (Disregard for Messianic-Christian Jewish Oversight, Liberal Offering of "The Blood of Jesus" to Worldly Blood Banks, Dating, Worldly Neighborhood Living, Support for Worldly Medical/Health Care Industry Physicians, Support for Evolutionary Biology, Failure to Reject Modern Secular Cosmology/Astronomy...)


Genesis 2:2-3
"2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."

Exodus 20:8-11
"8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."

Also, if SUNDAY is generally recognized as the "start of the week," then SATURDAY is considered the "7TH DAY (LAST DAY) OF THE WEEK."


SEE Colossians 2:16-17
"16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ."

Of course, yet I support "THE REAL 7TH DAY SABBATH," which is on Saturday.


THE LACK OF WISDOM CLAIM: Strangely, American Churches CUSTOMARILY LACK MESSIANIC-CHRISTIAN JEWISH OVERSIGHT. ATTENTION: The Holy Bible is a "Hebrew Masterpiece"!!! So, the Jewish People (who confess Yeshua Messiah) should be considered (regarded), and embraced by all Christian Churches. In general, American Churches should be in YEARLY CORRESPONDENCE with Messianic-Christian Jewish. Perhaps, a bridge to the Messianic-Christian Jewish (in the "Millennial Promised Land") can develop through comfortable weekend correspondence (via letters, email, chat, IM, video conference, etc.) on SATURDAYS!

<!---YEAR 2017 UPDATE: Medical/Health Care is the "PAGAN CULT of Asclepius" (symbolized as a serpent on a stick)---!>
Disturbingly, many American Churches foolishly offer (donate) blood to Medical/Health Care affiliated groups (Blood Donation Agencies & Organizations) that collect blood for Worldly Blood Banks (i.e., general purpose Blood Banks that store, test and preserve the blood of Christians, non-Christians, Pagans, Heathens, Sorcerers, Idolaters, Murderers, etc.). Since, "The Blood of Jesus Christ" can be found throughout "The Body of Christ" (a.k.a. "The Church"), then all Christians should CONDEMN SECULAR MANIPULATION of "THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST." Specifically, "The Blood of Jesus Christ" is consecrated via Holy Communion (a.k.a. "The Eucharist"). So...UNHOLY BLOOD BANKS are INFERIOR and "NOT GOOD ENOUGH" to house "THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST." [NOTE: In the "The Body of Christ" (a.k.a. "The Church"), it should be naturally understood that the SHEDDING OF BLOOD is necessary for "PURIFICATION & REMISSION OF SINS" (SEE Matthew 26:28; Hebrews 9:22). So, it should be illegal throughout the Earth to mix the sacred "Blood of Jesus Christ" with the BLOOD OF SINNERS. With that in mind, Christians (a.k.a. followers of Jesus Christ) should be considered a Religious Ethnic Group that is SET APART AT THE BLOODLINE FROM NONBELIEVERS (i.e., peoples of DIVERGENT Religious Ethnic Groups).]
<!---YEAR 2017 UPDATE: Medical/Health Care is the "PAGAN CULT of Asclepius" (symbolized as a serpent on a stick)---!>

NOTE: I am a Celibate (and self-proclaimed Female Eunuch) [SEE Matthew 19:12; 1 Corinthians 7:28-29; 1 Corinthians 7:32-33], who embraces 'certain' concepts of Feminism
American Churches generally support DATING by custom, and in many cases (in these LAST DAYS) excuse premarital sexual relations and inordinate affection (long gazes, hand holding, kissing, petting, etc.) as long as "the special 2" seem compatible (SEE Genesis 6:1-2). In spite of widely endorsed premarital dating customs, which lead to "Temporal Marriage" (SEE Matthew 22:24-30), I only support "Eternal Marriage" with the Lord God as the PRIMARY MAKER of all "HELP MEETS"-"authentic wives" (as described in Genesis 2:18,21-23). In the case of "Eternal Marriage," DATING IS IRRELEVANT, because the Lord God determines the date/time to bestow the "Help Meet" upon one. Soon after, the "special 2" can settle for the simple declaration ceremony (Genesis 2:23) and/or prepare for a formal community wedding ceremony (traditional marriage ceremony).
NOTE: I am a Celibate (and self-proclaimed Female Eunuch) [SEE Matthew 19:12; 1 Corinthians 7:28-29; 1 Corinthians 7:32-33], who embraces 'certain' concepts of Feminism

Oddly, American Churches typically tolerate living as so-called Christians among non-Christians in Worldly neighborhoods. So, in consideration of the New Testament passage "Matthew 22:36-40," if one really loves the Lord God with all of one's heart, soul, and mind, then one's neighbor should also exhibit similar religious desires. With that in mind, if one shares a habitat with non-Christians, then one should be mindful that NON-CHRISTIANS ARE OF THE WORLD, and THE WHOLE WORLD LIES IN WICKEDNESS! [SEE 1 John 5:19,21] Therefore, WORLDLY NEIGHBORHOODS LIE IN WICKEDNESS, which includes IDOLATRY, SORCERY, FORNICATION, CULT DOGGERY, etc. Since, the END OF DAYS is fast approaching (SEE the Book of Revelation), and many ANTICHRISTS roam throughout the World (SEE 1 John 2:18), I think it is better for Christians to spend the remainder of their days in the Holy Land (Israel) Christian neighborhoods...among other Christians (SEE Ephesians 4:25). [NOTE: As a Christian, "I LOVE NOT THE WORLD, AND THE THINGS THEREIN" (1 John 2:15), and SHUN THE WICKED WHO PERSONIFY WORLDLINESS (SEE 2 Timothy 3:1-5). Besides, I DON'T EVEN KEEP COMPANY with APOSTATE CHURCHES (Heretical Congregations) (SEE 1 Corinthians 5:9-13). So...since I like to "smile and be at peace," I support COMMUNITY-TO-NEIGHBORHOOD (and residential) SEGREGATION from non-Christians.]

<!---YEAR 2017 UPDATE: Medical/Health Care is the "PAGAN CULT of Asclepius" (symbolized as a serpent on a stick)---!>
Further, many American Churches have failed to clarify support for ONLY "Christian Physicians," and shun support for "Worldly Physicians." The standard issue "Physician of the World" is typically not a Protestant Christian (in one's specific Denominational Church), so there is a great chance that they are UNQUALIFIED and UNINTERESTED in the holistic (spirit/soul/body) 'care & concern' for Christian bodies that can, at times, be attacked by (I know this can sound laughable->) DEMONS, SORCERERS, IDOLATERS, and THE ANTICHRIST (SEE Revelation 13:7-8). All things considered, American Churches have failed to obviously shun "Physicians of the World," SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY SUPPORT EVOLUTION and submit to Medical Science, which includes the Evolutionary Biology claim that "Humans" (i.e., Medical/Health Care Patients) are evolved from Apes (i.e., Beasts). [CLUE: Presumably, all who believe in EVOLUTION are PAGAN INFIDELS, whose NAMES ARE NOT IN THE "BOOK OF LIFE."] [NOTE: According to EVOLUTION, "Humans" are descendants of Apes (e.g., Primates, Monkeys), which are classified to be BEASTS. Now, I ONLY SUPPORT CREATIONISM, and DETEST EVOLUTION. So, I AM NOT A BEAST! (SEE the Book of Revelation, chapter 13.) Besides, the Medical/Health Care Industry is the expected LONG-TERM CARE GROUP of "THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST CULT," which represents 17 areas (i.e., 10 horns and 7 heads) of THE ANTICHRIST, and satisfies the MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER diagnosis. Hmm...I DO NOT HAVE MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER. So, I WILL NEVER FIT IN AMONG MEDICAL/HEALTH CARE! Therefore, IT IS AGAINST MY RELIGIOUS BELIEFS TO BE CARED FOR (i.e., examined, evaluated, and treated) BY MEDICAL/HEALTH CARE WORKERS! Furthermore, Medical/Health Care RECORDS, BLOOD WORK, and PAGAN-STYLE EVALUATION can easily be used to develop IDOLATROUS PATIENT PROFILES. Therefore, all so-called Churches that work with Medical/Health Care CAN BE CONSIDERED "The Temples of Idols"! (SEE 2 Corinthians 6:14-17; 1 John 5:5-8,11-12,21).]
<!---YEAR 2017 UPDATE: Medical/Health Care is the "PAGAN CULT of Asclepius" (symbolized as a serpent on a stick)---!>

Paradoxically, many American Protestant Christian and Non-Denominational Christian Church congregations SUBMIT THEIR CHILDREN to SCHOOLS that ONLY SUPPORT EVOLUTION as the primary theory to explain the origins of all life on Earth. If one is a REAL CHRISTIAN, then one SUPPORTS the "Book of Genesis CREATION NARRATIVE" of the Holy Bible. In addition, all Christians MUST DETEST the absurd Evolutionary Biology claim that "Biped Sentients made in the IMAGE and AFTER THE LIKENESS of GOD" evolved from Apes (e.g., Primates, Monkeys). *In other words, Christians should DETEST the HUMANIST VIEW that the HEADS OF HOUSEHOLDS (a.k.a. "The Rulers of Families") are APELIKE SPECIMENS.* For it is a shame to EVER be considered a BEAST (SEE Revelation 13), because I AM A CHRISTIAN (pro-Christ) CHILD OF GOD! [NOTE: There is NO GENEALOGICAL LINK between "Biped Sentients made in the IMAGE and AFTER THE LIKENESS of GOD" and APES (a.k.a. BEASTS). According to Genesis 1:24-25, Apes (a.k.a. Beasts) were created separately on the "6th day of creation" before (in Biblical passage succession) God created "Biped Sentients made in the IMAGE and AFTER THE LIKENESS of GOD" as described in Genesis 1:26-27.] So, many American Churches HAVE FAILED to ONLY SUPPORT SCHOOLS that TEACH CREATIONISM, and SHUN SCHOOLS that TEACH EVOLUTION.

For some STRANGE DUPLICITOUS REASON, American Churches continue to carry on without firm rejection and opprobrium (overt criticism) of Modern Secular Cosmology/Astronomy, which purports the FALSEHOOD that "The Earth REVOLVES AROUND the Sun." Sadly, the majority of American News Stations (with weather forecasts), Television Programs (e.g., Discovery Channel shows), Educational Institutions, and Government Agencies (e.g., NASA) easily showcase support for movable spherical Earth models (of "Old Earth" as a planet that moves around the Sun) with high quality illustrations and interviews of famous non-Christian Scientists. On the CHRISTIAN BIBLICAL COSMOLOGY hand (i.e., "The Earth as the center of the Celestial Universe" hand), according to Genesis 1:14-19 (i.e., the 4th day of creation passages), God created the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars to provide light (to divide the day from the night) and have astrological significance (for determination of signs, seasons, days, and years). To be specific, God set the Sun and the Moon in the firmament of Heaven to give light upon the Earth (SEE Genesis 1:17). So, it is safe to assume (even from observation) that "The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars MOVE ABOUT the Earth." Also, according to Joshua 10:12-14, the Sun and the Moon are generally in motion, although the Living God can suspend and activate the motions of both celestial bodies at will. Moreover, the archaic and cliche view that "The Sun RISES in the EAST and SETS in the WEST" is supported in the following Biblical passages: Isaiah 45:6 ("That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me..."), Matthew 5:45 ("...for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good..."), Ecclesiastes 1:5-9 ("The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose..."), and Psalm 113:3 ("From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised."). Overall, the "Book of Genesis CREATION NARRATIVE" of the Holy Bible fundamentally outshines (and transcends) the misguided and baseless theories of Modern Secular Science. With that in mind, all Christians should magnify the Biblically supported understanding that the Living God made celestial bodies (such as the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars) to be in motion about the Earth, and detest the unholy theories of Modern Secular Cosmology/Astronomy, which fail to satisfy the suspicions of even the casual observer as they simply look towards heaven.


***So, I support Israel's understanding of the SABBATH (SHABBAT) -> THE SABBATH IS ON SATURDAY!***

1 comment:


    Heretical Church Congregations indifferently support WORKING AMONG NON-CHRISTIANS IN WORLDLY JOB MARKETS.


    1. One works for a company (business) owned by a non-Christian (e.g., if one works for a typical American company, and if one works in Saudi Arabia [LAUGHABLE...So, can ISIS even get a job in Saudi Arabia?]) [SEE James 4:4]
    2. One works as a Sex Trade Worker (such as a Prostitute or Pimp), Drug Trade Worker (such as a Drug Lord), Sorcerer (such as a Hypnotist [Psychiatrist or Psychologist], Psychic [Fortune Teller or Palm-Reader], Magician, or Witch Doctor [Medical/Health Care Worker]), or Idolater
    3. One works for the Devil, the False Prophet, or the Antichrist
