Monday, October 17, 2016

*Thoughts about THE MISCONCEIVED STATE OF ISLAM in light of Christian Revelatory Impulse*

According to traditional record, a certain Waraqa Naufal was the first to call Muhammada (the founder of Islam) a Prophet of God. If Waraqa Naufal was in fact an Arab CHRISTIAN PRIEST (of Ebionitism and Nestorianism), then Islam is simply an Arabian Heretical sect of Christian Theological Thought (i.e., a Religious Ethnic Group influenced by the Revelationary Impulse of Christianity). Therefore, the Quran (a Religious text of Islam) is an Arab-focused Inspirational Rule book that is similar in traditional regard (for customary writings) to the following supporting texts of other major Abrahamic Religious Groups (of Judaism and Christianity): the Jewish Talmud, the Catholic Catechism, and the "Book of Mormon."

In short, False Prophet Muhammada was under a "Spirit of Divination," and lacked the necessary Christological training (i.e., Christian theological study) to appropriately incorporate the Christian Revelation from Waraqa Naufal into a "Christian canon-focused Missionary framework" that could have been used to ETHICALLY PROSELYTIZE (convert to Christianity) Arabia.

[NOTE: To add insult to 'the injured Middle Eastern Christian Church,' Muslims (Islamists) reject the "Divine Lordship of Jesus Christ," and the significance of the "Cross of Christ," although Jesus Christ is 'referred to' (mentioned) OVER 90 TIMES in the Quran!]

**ATTENTION:** Islam is WAYWARD EBIONITISM! Supposedly, Waraqa Naufal attempted to indoctrinate Muhammada into Ebionite Christianity. On another shocking note, Waraqa Naufal (as an Ebionite Priest and Spiritual Leader in Mecca [3]) read Muhammada's marriage sermon, during the marriage ceremony of Muhammada to Khadija, who was a cousin of Waraqa Naufal.

[SEE the following reference links:
3. (The Ebionites, Muhammad, and the Quran. By Quotable Quotes, October 22, 2010) (SEE the 9th paragraph)]

Sunday, October 2, 2016

*Mid Autumn - Winter 2016 (AM 5777): Whatsoever ye do in WORD OR DEED, do all IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS*

Random Acts of Charity or Planned Release of Goods

#charity   #altruism   #alms   #almsdeeds   #messianicjews   #christianjews   #2016

***DESIRED ALMSDEED to gladly receive: 1-WAY TRIP TO ISRAEL***
***ARE THERE ANY JEWS (Messianic-Christian) left IN THE WORLD?***
***ATTENTION: EXILE ALL CHRISTIANS TO "Biblical Cosmology-oriented" ISRAEL (away from Heliocentric America) NOW!***

= NOTE: There are character/line LIMITS ON POSTS.
So...SEASONAL MONTH SPLIT POSTS start with "Mid" or "Late"







In October, the locals of Sandy, South Jordan, Orem, and Lehi offered me food, liquid refreshment, monies, discount(s), Hotel room(s), Campground stay(s), ride(s), gloves, blanket(s), newspaper(s), help, and encouragement. *End result: food, more tape, laundry detergent, another replacement hand truck (luggage cart), another writing pad, and [water resistant clear plastic paper protectors] sheet-display protectors

*Wendy's [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Customer [who wore a University of Utah baseball cap] offered 'to pay for food & beverage,' also asked about my travel story...I was approached soon after I entered the Restaurant; 1 Manager, encountered many times before, [on another day] offered FREE beverage (w/ my order)
*Outside of Wendy's: 1 [w/ a group in a vehicle] offered monies
*Outside of Exxon [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer offered a  candy...while I stood alongside the building; 2 Customers [w/ a vehicle] offered bottled water; 1 Customer [w/ a pickup truck that displayed a California license plate] offered a ride (to a Hostel); 1 [in a vehicle w/ a companion] [on another day] offered monies; 1 Customer [on another day] offered money
*Costa Vida [Mexican Grill Restaurant Chain]: 1 Worker offered additional food, a FREE beverage, and discount
*Auto Mall Drive/130 West near Exxon [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Traveler (who stayed at a nearby Hotel, and seemed inebriated [w/ a cup of an alcoholic beverage in hand]) offered monies, 'to pay for food & beverage' (from Exxon), additional help (if needed), and encouragement, after asking me for a cigarette, also asked about my travel story...while I walked towards Wendy's
*Village Inn [Casual Dining Restaurant]: 1 Waitress offered FREE beverage (i.e., a few drinks)
*Outside of Shell [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered monies...after I finished off a bowl of oatmeal (that I prepared earlier w/ my electric burner); 1 Customer (w/ a companion) offered monies, after asking, "Can I help you out with a few bucks?"...while I stood just outside of the building
*Food Court (an old section - UNDER CONSTRUCTION)/South Towne Center [Shopping Mall] (a.k.a. The Shops at South Town): 1 Food Court Worker offered FREE 'food & beverage' (from [a certain Sandwich Chain]), and more food (in the future, if needed), after mentioning that they've "seen me around" in the area (over the past year), also asked about my travel situation
*Outside of Village Baker [Bakery Restaurant]: 1 Customer (w/ a companion) offered 'to pay for a slice of pizza,' before the Customer got me a few slices of pizza for FREE from a Worker (inside the Restaurant)
*Noodles & Company [Fast Casual Dining Restaurant Chain]: 1 Worker offered FREE 'food & beverage'
*Parking Lot Entryway of South Towne Center [Shopping Mall] (a.k.a. The Shops at South Town) near an UNDER CONSTRUCTION Strip Mall Retail Space (a future location of [an International Coffeehouse Chain]): 1 [in a vehicle] offered a ride
*Outside of Sinclair/ProStop [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Local Backpacker, encountered many times before, offered monies...while I stood alongside the building; 1 ???Shuttle Driver??? [w/ a shuttle van] [on another day] offered monies...while I made oatmeal (w/ a pot on my electric burner); 1 [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered gloves...while I stood just outside of the building; 2 Customers [on another day] offered food, monies, and encouragement, after 1 of the 2 Customers (who works at a Shell Gas Station) mentioned that they remembered me from a recent encounter at a local Shell Gas Station; 1 [w/ a companion in a vehicle] [on another day] offered a blanket...before I started to eat a bowl of oatmeal (that I prepared earlier)
*[an International Coffeehouse Chain]/Target [Large Retail Department Store Chain]: 1 Shopper offered monies, and encouragement (to be blessed by God), after asking about my travel story...while I stood behind the Customer in the order line; 1 Shopper [on another day] offered 'to pay for a beverage'...while I looked around at a few products
*Sidewalk of South Towne Center [Shopping Mall] (a.k.a. The Shops at South Town) near McGrath's Fish House [Seafood Restaurant]: 1 [in a vehicle] offered monies, also asked about my travel story...while I walked towards 10600 S
*Outside of Firehouse Subs [Sandwich Chain]: 1 Customer [w/ a group in a vehicle] offered monies, after saying, "You sure look like you're on a long journey!"...while I walked towards the main entrance; 1 [who wore a University of Utah shirt] [in a vehicle w/ a group] [on another day] offered 'to pay for a meal,' also asked about my travel story...while I walked about the Outdoor Dining Area
*Outside of Beans & Brews [Coffeehouse Chain]: 1 Customer (w/ a group) offered monies, and 'to pay for a hot coffee'
*Outside of Village Inn [Casual Dining Restaurant]: 1 Customer offered monies, after saying, "There you are!"...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet
*B&N Cafe/Barnes & Noble [Bookstore Chain]: 1 Worker offered a FREE cup of soup, after asking about my travel situation
*Outside of Daylight Donuts [Doughnut Shop]: 1 [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered 'to pay for food' (from the local Village Baker), after asking, "Are you hungry?"...while I ate a snack
*Sidewalk of South Towne Center [Shopping Mall] (a.k.a. The Shops at South Town) near [an International Coffeehouse Chain] (a new location): 1 ???[an International Coffeehouse Chain] Customer??? (who used to work for BA Texas BBQ [Barbecue Restaurant]) [in a vehicle w/ a companion] offered monies, after mentioning that they remembered me from a past encounter at the local BA Texas BBQ...while I walked towards [an International Coffeehouse Chain]
*#UNDISCLOSED#: $$$1 offered a newspaper...after I asked for a newspaper$$$

*11400 South & South Jordan Gateway: 1 [in a vehicle] offered a cookie, after tossing the cookie (in a wrapper) and saying, "This is all [I] have [to offer]!"...while I crossed the intersection
*UTA FrontRunner [Commuter Rail Train] South Jordan Station: 1 Rider (w/ luggage, and a few tiny Chihuahua dogs [Canines] on a leash) [in a train] offered a beverage (i.e., a can of "V8 Vegetable Juice"), and encouragement (they would keep me in their prayers), also asked about my travel situation...while I sat on a seat across from the Rider on a train

*Outside of Sinclair/Holiday [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer offered monies, and 'to pay for food & beverage'...while I ate a snack; 1 Customer (w/ Children) offered monies; 1 Customer offered money; 1 Customer [w/ a group in a vehicle] offered a cupcake...while I sipped a cup of coffee; 1 Customer (who is a member of LDS) offered money, and encouragement, also asked about my travel situation. Notably, the Customer mentioned that they have a close Relative that gives LDS tours overseas in Israel; 1 [in a vehicle w/ a companion] [on another day] offered monies, after asking, "Can you take this money? This is all I have [on me]."...while I enjoyed a snack; 1 Customer (who is originally from Laos) [w/ a group in a vehicle] offered 'to pay for food & beverage,' also asked about my travel story; 1 [ANONYMOUS] offered monies...then I found the money on my luggage cart (hand truck), after I exited the building; 2 Customers (each) offered monies...while I used my tablet; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered monies, after asking, "Do you have everything you need? I found this money on the floor [of my vehicle]."
*Fresh Produce Farm Stand (Tent) on Garden Park Drive across from Wendy's: 1 Fresh Produce Seller offered pine nuts (in a bag), after asking about my travel situation...while I walked towards Center St. Initially, the Fresh Produce Seller asked about the nature of my travel situation. Then, they inquired about my Religious/Spiritual beliefs, and pointed out my "CONFESSION TOWARDS SALVATION" backpack sticker (i.e., the "I Keira Renae Johnson CONFESS that JESUS CHRIST is LORD GOD IN FLESH" handmade sticker statement) on the back-flap of my hiking backpack. Surprisingly, they asked me about my Religious views on marriage and children. I responded by explaining my simple view that "marriage should only be issued by the Lord God," who made the first authentic Help Meet (as described in Genesis 2:22-23), yet I DID NOT FORBID MARRIAGE ON OLD EARTH. To be specific, marriage is more honorable under the Lord God's oversight (i.e., through the guiding light of Lord God Omnipotent-"The Most Blessed & Only Potentate") in the "Monarchy of God," where the Lord God rules and reigns. Also, I explained that the reproduction of children, outside of the "Monarchy of God," should not be a pressing need or desire in the World, since the "End of the World-Apocalypse" (described in the Book of Revelation) is fast approaching, and the "whole World lieth in wickedness" (as understood from the Holy Bible passage 1 John 5:19). Furthermore, I mentioned that there's A GENERATION THAT SHALL NOT PASS until certain signs of the "End Times" come to pass (SEE Matthew 24:3-34; Mark 13:4-30; Luke 21:7-32). All things considered, it is my understanding that there should be NO URGENT DEMAND TO REPRODUCE more children throughout the World, before the "End of the World."
*#UNDISCLOSED#: 1 ???Local??? offered a ride
*Parking Lot of Target [Large Retail Department Store Chain]: 1 [in a vehicle w/ a companion] offered a breadstick (from Olive Garden [Italian Restaurant]), after saying, "Hey! Are you hungry? Here's a breadstick."
*Outside of 7-Eleven [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer (who works at a Utah Campground) offered a FREE Campground stay (at a Campground), and a ride (to a Campground), after inquiring about my travel situation; 1 [w/ a group in a vehicle] [on another day] offered money
*Parking Lot of Dollar Tree [Discount Retail Store Chain]: 1 [in a vehicle w/ Youths] offered coins ('spare change')
*Outside of Sonic Drive-In [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 "Drive-Thru" Customer [in a vehicle w/ a companion] offered a combo meal...after I placed down my hiking gear around a Patio Dining table
*Outside of Burger King [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Customer (who lives on a Ranch in a trailer) [w/ a pickup truck] offered a Hotel room stay (in the future), after asking about my travel story; 1 Customer [on another day] offered cheeseburgers...while I walked away from the Restaurant
*Parking Lot of Zaxby's [Fast Casual Dining Chain]: 1 ???Customer??? (???who works as a Salesperson for Pepperidge Farm???) [w/ a van that displayed a Pepperidge Farm decal] offered a FREE loaf of bread [NOTE: Sadly, the Pepperidge Farm "Swirl Raisin Cinnamon" loaf was "Partially Produced with Genetic Engineering."]
*Bus Stop on State Street near Apollo Burgers [Fast-Food Chain] (a.k.a. Apollo Burger): 1 Rider (who is a member of LDS) offered a granola bar, after asking about my travel story...while I repaired a ripped shoulder strap of my hiking backpack (w/ a sewing kit) in the UTA Bus Stop shelter
*Zaxby's: 1 Worker, encountered many times before, offered FREE cookies...after I placed an order (for a few cookies)

*Firehouse Subs [Sandwich Chain]: 1 Worker offered FREE food (bag of chips) (w/ my order). [NOTE: Shockingly, Firehouse Subs now only offers chips w/ the "Partially Produced with Genetic Engineering" labels.]


In November, the locals of Sandy, Lehi, American Fork, and Orem offered me food, liquid refreshment, monies, discount(s), gift card(s), coupon card(s), ticket(s) (bus), care package(s) (Holiday sparkling beverage[s], instant hot cocoa mix packets, toiletries, facial sampler kit[s], first aid kit [travel size], knit cap[s], socks, etc.), bedding (pillow), winter gear (gloves, socks, etc.), Religious book(s), temporary shelter, ride(s), shower(s), help, job opportunities, and encouragement. *End result: food, another pair of shoes (boots), another flashlight, another pair of pants, another hand truck (luggage cart), another pair of soft non-skid socks, another pair of gloves, another laundry bag, laundry detergent, and facial tissue

*Outside of Exxon [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer offered monies, also asked about my travel situation...I was approached soon after I exited the building; 1 Customer offered monies, and 'to pay for food & beverage'...while I stood just outside of the building; 1 Customer offered monies...while I ate a snack
*B&N Cafe/Barnes & Noble [Bookstore Chain]: 1 Customer (who is a member of LDS), encountered before, offered monies (to pay for a cup of coffee), also asked about my travel story...soon after I entered the Cafe
*Outside of Village Inn [Casual Dining Restaurant]: 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered monies...while I sipped a cup of coffee
*Sidewalk of South Towne Center - Marketplace [Shopping Center] near Barnes & Noble: 1 [in a vehicle] offered a hot chocolate (from [an International Coffeehouse Chain])...while I walked towards State St

*Outside of 7-Eleven [Gas Station/Convenience Store] adjacent to Thai Drift Swift [Thai Restaurant]: 1 Customer offered pizza (i.e., a few slices of pizza)...while I finished off a muffin (purchased earlier); 1 Customer [w/ Children and a group inside a vehicle] offered 'to pay for food & beverage'...soon after I finished off a snack; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered 'to pay for food,' also asked about my travel story...while I stood alongside the building; 3 Youths [w/ an Adult in a vehicle] [on another day] offered coupon cards; 1 Thai Drift Swift Customer offered 'to pay for a meal' (from Thai Drift Swift), also asked about my travel story; 1 Customer (w/ Children) [on another day] offered food...while I finished off a muffin (purchased earlier); 1 Customer offered monies; 1 Customer (w/ a group) [on another day] offered 'food & beverage'...while I finished off some food (purchased earlier); 1 (a presumed companion of the aforementioned Customer) offered monies; 1 ???Local Worker??? [on another day] offered monies, after asking about my travel situation...soon after I exited the building; 1 [w/ a vehicle] offered muffins (i.e., the remaining individually wrapped muffins in a package ???from a Supermarket???)...while I sipped a cup of coffee (purchased earlier)
*Maverik [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer offered monies...while I calmly stood near the entrance; 1 Customer offered monies, and asked, "[Do] you need any help?"...while I used my tablet PC; 1 Customer (who is a member of LDS) [on another day] offered a candy, monies, and Religious book (the "Book of Mormon"), also asked about my travel story...while I prepared a cup of coffee; 1 Customer [on another day] offered coins ('spare change')...while I stood near the entrance
*Outside of Maverik [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer offered a candy, after asking, "[Do you] wanna breath mint?"...while I stood alongside the building; 1 [in a vehicle w/ a Child] offered a meal (from Carl's Jr. [Hardee's affiliated Fast-Food Chain]); 1 Customer, encountered before, offered a pillow, and encouragement (w/ song and inspirational words), after mentioning that they remembered me from a past encounter in another town; 1 Customer [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered coupon cards; 1 Customer (w/ a companion) [on another day] offered monies; 1 Customer [who wore a BYU shirt] offered monies, after asking about my travel story; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies, and encouragement (to have good luck on my travels), after asking about my travel story...while I used my tablet PC
*Outside of a Vacant Strip Mall Space that shares a Strip Mall Property with Blaze Pizza [Pizza Restaurant]: 3 Blaze Pizza Workers offered 'food & water' (i.e., a pizza pie, salad, and bottled water)...while I prepared to move my hiking gear into my pitched tent (to camp overnight); 1 Blaze Pizza Worker, encountered before, [on another day] offered 'food & water' (i.e., salad, and a cup of water), also asked about my travel situation...after I moved my hiking gear into my pitched tent
*Outside of Wendy's: 1 Customer [w/ a van] offered food, after asking, "Do you want some food?"...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet in the Outdoor Dining Area; 1 Customer offered monies (to pay for food), and said, "You can get yourself a hamburger, if you would like."...while I packed away my tablet (after waiting over an hour for the PC to finish running updates); 1 "Drive-Thru" Customer offered 'to pay for food'...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet
*Outside of Dickey's Barbecue Pit [Barbecue Restaurant Chain] adjacent to [an International Coffeehouse Chain]: 1 [an International Coffeehouse Chain] "Drive-Thru" Customer offered monies (to pay for a beverage)...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet in the Outdoor Dining Area; 1 [an International Coffeehouse Chain] "Drive-Thru" Customer [in a vehicle w/ Children] [on another day] offered gift cards (from [an International Coffeehouse Chain], courtesy of a Barista [encountered many times before] inside the Coffeehouse), and 'to pay for food & beverage'...while I stood in the Outdoor Dining Area; 1 ???[an International Coffeehouse Chain] Customer??? offered a hot coffee (from [an International Coffeehouse Chain])...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet
*Riced [Asian Cuisine Restaurant] (a new location): 1 Worker offered a FREE bowl of 'rice & sauce,' and additional 'food & beverage,' after I requested a simple bowl of 'rice & sauce'; 1 Worker [on another day] offered FREE spring rolls (w/ a coupon card discount)...after I ordered spring rolls
*Outside of Riced [Asian Cuisine Restaurant] (a new location): 1 Motorcyclist (w/ a companion) [w/ a motorcycle] offered monies, after asking, "Can you use this [money]?"...while I poured out a few water bottles on the parking lot pavement near the Restaurant
*[an International Coffeehouse Chain]: 1 Barista, encountered many times before, offered a FREE coffee refill ('my ordered coffee refill' [w/ my Reusable Cup]); 1 Barista (w/ Co-workers), encountered many times before, [on another day] offered a FREE beverage (i.e., 'my beverage of choice,' during a training session)
*Zaxby's: 1 Worker (w/ a Co-worker) offered a FREE cookie...after I ordered a cookie; 1 Customer [w/ a group and a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies, also asked about my travel story...after I used a sink (to rinse out a cup) in the Ladies restroom
*Wendy's: 1 Worker offered FREE 'food & beverage'...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet in the Dining Room
***************REVERSE ALTRUISM:***************
*UTA Bus Lehi Station: 1 UTA Bus Driver [in a transit bus] denied me entry to a bus, after exclaiming, "You cannot take that [hand truck-luggage cart] on the bus!"
*UTA Bus Lehi Station: 1 UTA Bus Driver [w/ a transit bus], encountered before, offered a transfer ticket, and encouragement (???to hang in there???), after apologizing for the cold (prejudiced) treatment that another Bus Driver expressed towards me a few minutes earlier...while I waited for the next bus in a UTA Bus Stop Shelter. [NOTE: I suspect that the other Bus Driver (encountered earlier), who denied me entry to a bus, informed the other Bus Drivers of my attempt to enter a bus with a hand truck (luggage cart), and perhaps tried to pressure the others to be as mean.]
*Parking Lot of Popeyes [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Worker, encountered many times before, offered a dessert...while I walked towards a Restaurant window (to check if the crowds had subsided, inside the Restaurant). I remembered the Worker from past encounters (when they offered me charity, and encouraged me to consider "Impact Training").
*Parking Lot Entry Lane of a Shopping Area near Zao Asian Cafe [Asian Fusion Restaurant]: 1 Utahn (who used to work for Beans & Brews in American Fork, and Sandy, yet now works for [an International Coffeehouse Chain]), encountered many times before, offered 'to pay for a hot coffee' (from the nearby [an International Coffeehouse Chain]), also asked about my travel situation
*Outside of [an International Coffeehouse Chain]: 1 Customer [who wore a jacket for a local Soccer Team] (who is a local Soccer Player) offered 'to pay for a beverage' ('my beverage of choice')...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet
*Holiday [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Worker, encountered many times before, offered a discount
*Outside of Phillips 66/7-Eleven [Gas Station/Convenience Store]/Wendy's: 1 [in a vehicle w/ a companion] offered sweet treats (i.e., the remaining Holiday sweet treats in an open plastic bag), after asking, "Can I offer you some [Holiday] Thanksgiving treats? Happy Thanksgiving!"...while I used my tablet PC; 1 Customer (w/ a group) offered a ride (to St. George), after asking about my travel story; 1 Customer [w/ a pickup truck] offered food (i.e., rolls and turkey leftovers in a plastic sandwich bag); 1 Customer [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered monies, and said, "I want you to have a warm Thanksgiving dinner."...while I stood alongside the building

*The Home Depot [Home Improvement Store]: 1 Store Associate offered bottled water
*Cafe Rio [Mexican Grill Restaurant]: 1 Customer (w/ a companion) offered 'to pay for a meal,' also asked about my travel story. [NOTE: The Customer offered me charity, after a Worker said that I can't just stand on the Property without buying something. A few minutes earlier, I noticed the aforementioned Worker wave at me, while I peeked through a window (towards the renovated interior of the Restaurant) from the Outdoor Dining Area.]
*Outside of Cafe Rio: 1 Worker offered salad (in a "To-Go" container)...while I finished off a meal at an Outdoor Dining table; 1 Worker offered quesadillas
*Bus Stop on State Street/US-89 (U.S. Highway 89) near Cafe Rio: 1 Rider (who was recently released from Prison) (w/ a companion) [w/ a bicycle] offered a candy (Christmas candy), also asked about my travel situation...while I waited for a bus in the UTA Bus Stop Shelter
*Bed Bath & Beyond [Home Goods Retail Store Chain]: 1 Shopper offered 'to pay for my items'...while I looked at a few products around a checkout counter
*IHOP Restaurant: 1 [ANONYMOUS] offered 'to pay for a meal'...then a Waitress informed me of the charitable donation, while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet (on a couch) in the entryway (during a flash 'rain, sleet & snow'-storm). [NOTE: Earlier, I finished off a "FREE Rooty Tooty Fresh 'N Fruity Pancakes" Anniversary coupon meal in the Dining Room.]; 1 Customer (w/ a group) offered monies, and said, "Have a Merry Christmas!"; 1 Customer (w/ a group) offered 'to pay for a meal' (later that night), 'to pay for a hot chocolate,' and encouragement (to be blessed by God), after asking about my travel situation; 1 [ANONYMOUS] [on another day] offered 'to pay for my meal'...then the Waitress informed me of the charitable donation; 1 Waitress (the aforementioned) offered job opportunities (about job openings at IHOP), additional help (in the future, if needed), and encouragement (to have a Happy Thanksgiving)

*Outside of Sinclair/Holiday [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 (a member of LDS) [w/ a vehicle] offered monies, also asked about my travel story...while I stood alongside the building; 1 Customer [on another day] offered monies, also asked about my travel story; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered a doughnut; 1 Customer (w/ a Child) offered a hot chocolate...while I finished off a granola bar (purchased earlier); 1 Customer offered monies
*Outside of 7-Eleven [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer offered monies (to pay for food)...while I stood alongside the building; 1 Customer [on another day] offered monies, after asking, "Do you smoke [cigarettes]? [Oh, because] I was gonna offer you a cigarette."...while I sipped a hot coffee; 1 Customer (w/ a group) [on another day] offered monies, and 'to pay for food'...after I exited the building; 1 Customer offered 'to pay for a hot beverage'
*Outside of [an International Coffeehouse Chain]: 1 Customer (who held a cellphone to their ear) offered monies, and encouragement (to be blessed by God)
*Outside of Chevron/Jacksons [Gas Station/Convenience Store]/Gandolfo's New York Delicatessen [Deli]: 1 Customer offered monies, and encouragement (to have a Happy Thanksgiving)...while I finished off a snack (purchased earlier); 1 Customer [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered a candy, monies, and winter gear...soon after I finished off some fries (from Chick-fil-A [Fast-Food Chain]); 1 ???Gandolfo's Customer??? [on another day] offered a sandwich (from Gandolfo's)...while I stood near the "Drive-Thru" lane (for Gandolfo's)
*Parking Lot Entry Lane of a Shopping Area near Zaxby's: 1 ???Zaxby's Customer??? offered a granola bar, after saying, "[Hey!] I don't have any money, but here's a granola bar."
*State Street past Mon-A-Lea [Mobile Home Park]: 1 [w/ a vehicle] offered a meal (from Chick-fil-A)...while I walked Northward
*Outside of Maverik [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered monies, and encouragement (to be blessed by God)
*7-Eleven [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Worker (who is a member of LDS from Spain, and used to work for a Tesoro Gas Station in American Fork) [w/ a Co-worker], encountered many times before, offered FREE 'food & beverage,' also inquired about the status of my travel situation...soon after I entered the building; 1 [ANONYMOUS] [at another location] [on another day] offered monies...then a Worker (encountered many times before) informed me of the charitable donation
*Corner Bakery Cafe [Fast Casual Dining Chain]: 1 Worker, encountered many times before, offered food (i.e., a few end-of-day pastries)...while I stood (w/ a cup of coffee) inside the entryway (to get temporary shelter from a heavy rainstorm)
*Ridley's Family Markets [Grocery Store]: 1 Manager offered food, more "Time & Space" (temporary shelter) inside the Grocery Store (during a heavy rainstorm), and additional help (in the future, if needed), after asking about my travel situation...while I shopped around the Produce department
*Chevron/Jacksons [Gas Station/Convenience Store]/Gandolfo's New York Delicatessen [Deli]: 1 Customer offered monies, after saying, "[Go] get yourself some lunch."...while I used a stall in the Ladies restroom
*State Street near Big O Tires [Tire Retailer & Service Center]: 1 Local offered 'to pay for a meal' (from the nearby Gandolfo's), and a ride, also asked about my travel story...while I walked along the street
*Outside of juice 'n java [Fresh Juice/Espresso Bar]: 1 Barista (who was off-duty [in casual clothing]) (w/ a Daughter) offered 'to pay for my hot coffee,' also asked about my travel story...after I entered the Outdoor Patio Area
*Outside of a Strip Mall Retail Space that shares a Strip Mall Property with Seasons Salon & Day Spa: 1 Seasons Salon & Day Spa Employee offered a care package (e.g., a Holiday sparkling beverage, bottled water, shampoo, conditioner, and facial sampler kit), FREE shower (in the Seasons Salon & Day Spa), temporary shelter (among another Strip Mall space), and additional help (if needed), also asked about my travel story...while I prepared to pack out of my pitched tent (after camping overnight). Initially, the Seasons Salon & Day Spa Employee informed me that the Landlord said that I was not allowed to sleep (pitch my tent) outside of a Strip Mall space (in response to a complaint from another Tenant). Nevertheless, the Seasons Salon & Day Spa Employee sympathized with my situation, and even offered to help me find shelter elsewhere.
*Outside of Corner Bakery Cafe: 1 Customer (w/ a companion) offered monies (to pay for a burger at the nearby Wendy's)...while I walked away from the Outdoor Dining Area. [NOTE: To my dismay, Wendy's seems to have discontinued the "Black Bean Burger." So...they just removed the most "healthy & vegan" burger from their menu. :( ]
*Parking Lot Entry Lane of a Vacant Office Building near Taco Bell [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 ???Taco Bell Customer??? offered monies, before saying, "I wish [that] I had more [to offer you]."...while I prepared to leave the area (after camping overnight)
*Outside of AT&T Authorized Retailer [Cellphone Store] (a new location) adjacent to Corner Bakery Cafe: 1 (w/ a large dog [Canine] on a leash) offered monies, after asking about my travel story...while I finished off a snack
*Parking Lot of Target: 1 Shopper (w/ a companion) offered monies
*Outside of Target: 1 Shopper (w/ a companion) offered monies...while I stood alongside the Store
*Outside of Scrapbooking Craft & DYI [Seasonal Art Supplies Store] near KFC-A&W [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 ???KFC-A&W "Drive-Thru" Customer??? [in a vehicle w/ a companion] offered food ("KFC Go Cup")...while I prepared to leave the area (after camping overnight); 1 [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies (to pay for food at the Denny's Diner)...while I prepared to pack out of my pitched tent
*Outside of Denny's Diner: 1 Customer (w/ a companion) offered monies, after asking, "Can you use a little money?"...while I stood just outside of the Restaurant (during a snowstorm); 1 ???Manager??? offered 'to pay for a meal'
*Denny's Diner: 1 Customer offered 'to pay for hot chocolate,' after asking, "Do you drink hot chocolate?"...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet (on a couch) in the entryway; 1 Customer [on another day] offered monies, after asking, "Can you use a little bit [of money]?"; 1 Customer (w/ a group) [on another day] offered 'to pay for food & beverage'; 1 Customer (who was a companion [w/ a group] of the aforementioned Customer) offered monies
*Parking Lot of Denny's Diner: 1 [in a vehicle] offered 'food & beverage' (from the nearby KFC-A&W)
*Outside of Dollar Tree [Discount Retail Store Chain]: 1 Shopper [w/ a companion, and a van] offered monies, and said, "Merry Christmas!"...soon after I exited the Store; 1 Shopper offered a care package (e.g., pudding cups, instant hot cocoa mix packets, bottled water, toiletries, baby wipes [hand wipes], first aid kit [travel size], a knit cap, gloves, socks, etc.)
*Shell/Last Chance Store [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Worker offered a FREE coffee refill
*Orem United States Post Office: 1 ???Local??? offered monies, and said, "I know it's cold out there. [So] you might want to go get yourself a hot drink. Take care!" also asked about my travel situation...while I stood inside the Lobby (to get some heat)
***************REVERSE ALTRUISM:***************
*Outside of a Vacant Office Building: 1 Local Police Officer issued me a verbal "Trespass Warning" (from the Property Owner) for the vacant building...while I rested inside my pitched tent (after camping overnight)
*Target: 1 Shopper offered monies...while I used a sink in the Ladies restroom. [NOTE: It was a surprising Holiday C-note boost. Yet, the donation was gladly received, and helped to lift my Holiday spirit, after the recent boot from a convenient temporary camping spot (i.e., a nearby Office Building peculiarly placed on the Target block, off Center...St). *LAUGHABLE*]
*Parking Lot of Ridley's Family Markets [Grocery Store]: 1 offered a care package (e.g., granola bars, canned goods, bottled water, and facial tissue)


In December, the locals of Orem, Lehi, and American Fork offered me food, liquid refreshment, tobacco (cigarette[s]), monies, gift card(s), coupon card(s), care package(s) (canned goods, bottled water, sweater[s], knit caps, gloves, comb[s], facial tissue, etc.), groceries, winter gear (winter hat[s], gloves, socks, etc.), hand warmers, Hotel room(s), temporary shelter, ride(s), help, Shelter information/suggestions, camping suggestions, Religious Group suggestions, job opportunities, and encouragement. *End result: food, another [pocket mirror] compact mirror, another laundry bag [NOTE: The Dollar Store brand laundry bag that I purchased last month, was too cheap for the dollar value to stretch out past 1 DAY. Sadly, the bag ripped soon after it was removed from the packaging.], another pair of thermal wear bottoms (a.k.a. Long Johns), another emergency blanket, another umbrella, a new quilted bag (to replace a cheaper bag [i.e., a low-end duffel bag from Walmart] that was zipper damaged, and ripped at the inner lining), replacement hand truck (luggage cart), more tape, and laundry detergent

*State Street/US-89 (U.S. Highway 89) near Wells Fargo Bank: 1 Wells Fargo Bank Customer offered monies (to pay for food), after asking about my travel situation...I was approached, while I walked along the street
*Cafe/Target next to [an International Coffeehouse Chain]/Target: 1 Shopper (w/ Children) offered 'to pay for food & beverage'...while I stood behind the Shopper in the order line
*Target: 1 Shopper offered monies...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet in an exitway; 1 Shopper [on another day] offered monies, also asked about my travel story...while I shopped; 1 Shopper offered monies, and said, "Merry Christmas!"...after I scanned an item at a Self-Checkout machine; 1 Shopper (w/ a companion) offered a bagel...while I stood in an exitway
*Outside of Lucy's New York Style Pizzeria [Pizza Restaurant] adjacent to Cafe Zupas [Gourmet "Soups, Salads, & Sandwiches" Restaurant]: 1 [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered monies...while I looked towards a few window promotions just outside of the Restaurant; 1 Cafe Zupas Customer offered food (from Cafe Zupas)...while I used my tablet PC; 1 Cafe Zupas Customer offered money, after asking about my travel situation
*Outside of Sinclair/Holiday [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer offered monies; 1 Customer (who is a member of LDS) offered monies, also asked about my travel story; 1 Customer [on another day] offered monies, after asking, "Can I help you [with some money]?"
*Parking Lot Entry Lane of Iceberg Drive-Inn [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Local [in a vehicle w/ a Teenager] offered 'food & beverage' (???from a local Gas Station???), after mentioning that they remembered me from a past encounter
*Chevron/Jacksons [Gas Station/Convenience Store]/Gandolfo's New York Delicatessen [Deli]: 1 Gandolfo's Worker offered FREE 'food & water' (i.e., 'my sandwich of choice,' and bottled water), coupon card, and more "Time & Space" (temporary shelter) inside the Deli Dining Room (to get some heat)...soon after I entered the building; 1 Krispy Kreme Merchandiser [w/ a delivery truck] [on another day] offered doughnuts (in a box)...while I sat in the Deli; 1 Krispy Kreme Merchandiser (the aforementioned) [w/ a delivery truck], encountered before, [on another day] offered doughnuts (in a bag); 1 Gandolfo's Worker [on another day] offered a FREE beverage...soon after I entered the Deli; 1 Local [on another day] offered 'to pay for food & beverage' (from Gandolfo's), and encouragement, also asked about my travel story...while I searched through my bags for my Reusable Cup
*Outside of a Vacant Strip Mall Space: 1 (who grew up in Utah) offered a Hotel room stay, and ride (to a Hotel), also asked about my travel story...while I prepared to pitch my tent alongside the vacant space (to camp overnight); 1 ???Transient??? [w/ a bicycle] [on another day] offered food (trail mix), and camping suggestions (e.g., "to add a heater to the tent," and "to cover the tent w/ a tarp"), also asked about my travel situation...after I moved my hiking gear into my pitched tent; 1 [in a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies...while I prepared to leave the area (after camping overnight)
*Parking Lot of Chick-fil-A [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 ???Worker??? offered a coupon card
*Chick-fil-A: 1 Worker offered monies, and 'to pay for my food'...after I placed down my hiking gear in the Dining Room
*Outside of Iceberg Drive-Inn: 1 "Drive-Thru" Customer [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered monies...while I finished off some food at an Outdoor Picnic table
*Outside of Maceys [Grocery Store Chain]: 1 Shopper (who works as a Food Services Worker at the nearby Maverik Gas Station), encountered before, offered monies...while I stood just outside of an entryway; 1 Shopper offered monies, and said, "I want to give you a present. Merry Christmas!"
*Canyon Parkway/800 North/SR-52 (Utah State Route 52) near Chevron/Jacksons [Gas Station/Convenience Store]/Gandolfo's New York Delicatessen [Deli]: 1 offered a bowl of chili, after mentioning that they saw me at the nearby Maceys...while I walked towards the Gas Station
*Outside of Maverik [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer offered a sandwich...while I stood alongside the building; 1 Customer [w/ companion and a vehicle] offered monies; 1 [on another day] offered monies, and said, "Merry Christmas! And, have a good day."
***************REVERSE ALTRUISM:***************
*Outside of a Vacant Strip Mall Space: 1 ???Tenant??? said that I was not allowed to camp (pitch my tent) outside of the Strip Mall Property. [NOTE: A few weeks ago, a Seasons Salon & Day Spa Employee mentioned that a certain Tenant complained about my tent that was pitched just outside of another Strip Mall space on the other side of the Property. So, I suspect that the aforementioned ???Tenant??? was the one who alerted the Landlord to my pitched tent on the Property.]
*Corner of Canyon Parkway/800 North/SR-52 & 100 West past Wells Fargo Bank: 1 [in a van] offered monies; 1 [in a vehicle] offered a hot beverage (from [an International Coffeehouse Chain])
*7-Eleven [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Worker (who is a member of LDS from Spain, and used to work for a Tesoro Gas Station in American Fork), encountered many times before, offered FREE beverage...after I made a purchase at the front counter; 1 Worker, encountered before, [on another day] offered a FREE cinnamon roll...after I walked towards the front counter w/ the cinnamon roll (from the Bakery case)
*Denny's Diner: 1 Waitress offered 'food & beverage' (i.e., a FREE meal [later that night], and cup of hot coffee), and "Time & Space" inside the Dining Room (to get some heat)...after I ordered a hot coffee; 1 Waitress offered FREE 'food & beverage'...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet (on a couch) in the entryway; 1 Waitress [on another day] offered a FREE hot chocolate...after I ordered a hot chocolate; 1 Local, encountered many times before, [on another day] offered monies (to pay for a hot beverage); 1 "To-Go" Customer, encountered before, offered monies, and 'to pay for a meal,' after mentioning that they remembered me from a past encounter in Sandy, also briefly asked about my travel situation
*Parking Lot of Scrapbooking Craft & DYI [Seasonal Art Supplies Store]: 1 Local offered monies, and encouragement (w/ prayer), after mentioning that they remembered me from a past encounter at a Bus Stop, also asked about my travel situation
*Parking Lot of Ridley's Family Markets [Grocery Store] near Zaxby's: 1 Zaxby's Worker, encountered many times before, offered monies, and encouragement (they would keep me in their thoughts)
*Outside of Zaxby's: 1 Worker (the aforementioned), encountered many times before, offered "Time & Space" inside the Restaurant (to get some heat)...while I used my tablet PC; 1 [w/ a companion and a vehicle] offered a beverage (i.e., an opened bottle of soda), and coins ('spare change')...while I stood alongside the Restaurant
*Outside of Scrapbooking Craft & DYI [Seasonal Art Supplies Store]: 1 offered pizza (i.e., a slice of pizza), and monies, also asked about my travel situation...while I sat inside my pitched tent (to camp overnight)
***************REVERSE ALTRUISM:***************
*Outside of Scrapbooking Craft & DYI [Seasonal Art Supplies Store]: 1 Worker (who was off-duty [in casual clothing]) said that I could no longer camp (pitch my tent) alongside the Store. [NOTE: It was an untimely boot, because it occurred at night, and on a day when the Store was closed.]
*Maceys [Grocery Store Chain]: 1 Shopper (w/ a group) offered monies...while I stood in an entryway; 1 Shopper offered fruit; 1 Shopper offered a care package; 1 Shopper (w/ a companion) offered a gift card...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet in an entryway; 1 Shopper (w/ a large group) [on another day] offered a gift card, 'to pay for groceries,' and encouragement, also asked about my travel situation...while I finished off some food in the Deli; 1 Shopper (w/ a group) offered 'to pay for food' (from the Deli), and encouragement, also asked about my travel story...while I waited for another Shopper (the aforementioned) to return to the Deli w/ a bag of groceries (offered as charity)
*Maverik [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer offered monies (to pay for a Motel room stay), and encouragement (to stay warm over the next few "cold weather" days), after asking about my travel situation; 1 Customer (w/ a companion) offered 'to pay for any in-store items'
*Outside of a Vacant Strip Mall Space: 1 Local offered coins ('spare change'), and Shelter information/suggestions...soon after I walked over to a Strip Mall (to camp overnight); 2 ???Locals??? [on another day] offered 'food & beverage' (i.e., a few doughnuts, and hot beverage [in a reusable bottle])...while I rested inside my pitched tent (after camping overnight)
*Outside of Dollar Tree [Discount Retail Store Chain]: 1 [in a vehicle] offered monies...soon after I tossed away an old (and damaged) pocket mirror into a trash can
*Outside of Chevron/Jacksons [Gas Station/Convenience Store]/Gandolfo's New York Delicatessen [Deli]: 1 Chick-fil-A Worker (???who was off-duty??? [in a work uniform w/ badge]) [w/ a vehicle] offered 'food & beverage' (i.e., a cookie, mint, and beverage), and money...while I stood alongside the building; 1 Customer [on another day] offered monies; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered hot cocoa mix (i.e., a large can of "Stephen's Gourmet Hot Cocoa"), and monies, also said, "God bless."; 1 Krispy Kreme Merchandiser [w/ a delivery truck], encountered many times before, offered doughnuts (in a bag), and said, "[You can] have some doughnuts with your coffee. You might as well!"
*juice 'n java [Fresh Juice/Espresso Bar]: 1 Barista, encountered before, offered a FREE beverage...soon after I entered the building
***************REVERSE ALTRUISM:***************
*Outside of a Vacant Strip Mall Space: 1 ???Property Agent??? (w/ Associates) requested me to leave an area outside of the vacant space, by saying, "You can't stay here!"...while I sat inside my pitched tent (after camping overnight)
*Outside of Pizza Hut [Pizza Restaurant Chain]: 1 Youth [w/ an Adult in a vehicle] offered monies...while I stood alongside the Restaurant, during a rain shower

*Holiday [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Worker, encountered many times before, offered 'to pay for a hot chocolate'...after I made a purchase; 1 Customer [on another day] offered monies, and 'to pay for lunch'...while I prepared to reheat a box of leftovers (from Denny's); 1 Worker, encountered many times before, [on another day] offered a FREE hot beverage; 1 Manager (w/ a Co-worker) [on another day] offered 'to pay for winter gloves,' more "Time & Space" inside the building (to get some heat), and encouragement, also asked about my travel situation; 1 Worker, encountered many times before, [on another day] offered a FREE hot coffee (fresh pot)...after I requested hot water (to use w/ my Reusable Cup and instant coffee); 1 Customer (???who is a close Relative of a Worker???) offered monies, and said, "Merry Christmas!"; 1 Customer [on another day] offered 'to pay for my coffee refill'
*Outside of Holiday [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 2 [in a vehicle] offered monies...while I stood alongside the building; 1 Customer offered 'to pay for any in-store items'; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered monies; 1 Customer (w/ a companion) [on another day] offered monies, 'to pay for any in-store items,' and camping suggestions, also asked about my travel situation; 1 Customer, encountered before, [on another day] offered 'to pay for food,' after asking, "Are you still [living] in a tent?"; 1 Customer offered 'to pay for any in-store items,' also asked about my travel situation...while I used my tablet PC; 1 (w/ a tiny dog [Canine]) [on another day] offered cigarettes (i.e., a handful of long cigarettes [if wanted]); 1 Customer offered monies, after asking about my travel situation...while I sipped a hot coffee (purchased earlier); 1 Chuck-A-Rama Worker (???who was off-duty??? [in a work uniform w/ badge]) [w/ a vehicle], encountered before, [on another day] offered monies, and encouragement, after mentioning that they remembered me from a past encounter, also asked about my travel situation...while I stood alongside the building; 1 offered monies, 'to pay for a buffet meal' (from the nearby Chuck-A-Rama), and 'to pay for a beverage,' also asked about my travel situation; 1 Customer offered monies, and said, "Merry Christmas!"; Over 4 Customers (each) [on another day] offered monies; 1 Customer offered a hot beverage; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered gloves; 1 Local Backpacker (w/ another Local Backpacker and a dog [Canine]) [on another day] offered pizza (i.e., a few slices of pizza from 7-Eleven); 2 Customers (each) offered monies; 1 Customer [on another day] offered a sandwich (from [an international Fast-Food Chain]); 1 ???Teenager??? offered monies, after briefly asking about my travel situation...while I used my tablet; 1 Worker (who was off-duty [in work attire]) [w/ a pickup truck], encountered many times before, offered bottled water, and encouragement (???to stay safe and warm over the Holidays???)
*Denny's Diner: 1 Waiter offered 'to pay for a meal,' and more "Time & Space" inside the Dining Room...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet on the couch inside the entryway; 1 Waiter, encountered before, [on another day] offered a FREE hot coffee...after I attempted to order a hot coffee; 1 Waiter [on another day] offered FREE beverage, and "Time & Space" inside the Dining Room...while I sat on the couch inside the entryway (to get some heat); 1 Customer [on another day] offered monies...the money was found on a sink, after I exited a stall in the Ladies restroom. [NOTE: A few minutes earlier, the Customer complained about the paper towel dispenser. So, I took a look at the paper towel dispenser, and reactivated the dispenser mechanism. Lastly, the Customer thanked me for my efforts.]; 2 Customers offered 'to pay for food'...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet on the couch inside the entryway; 1 offered cookies (i.e., the remaining Holiday cookies [in a foil wrapping]), and money; 1 Customer (w/ a large group) offered monies...while I sat (w/ a meal) at a Dining Room table; 1 Waiter, encountered many times before, [on another day] offered a FREE hot coffee...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet on the couch inside the entryway; 1 Waitress offered a FREE hot beverage...while I sat on the couch inside the entryway; 1 Customer [on another day] offered 'to pay for a hot coffee'; 1 Customer (w/ a group) offered pancakes (in a "To-Go" box)
*MAD Greens [Restaurant] (a new location): 1 Worker offered FREE pita bread (w/ sauce)...after I requested a simple side of pita bread (w/ sauce); 1 ???Manager??? [on another day] offered FREE pita bread (w/ sauce)...while I walked towards the Self-Service Soda Fountain Machine (to refill an old water bottle); 1 Worker [on another day] offered a FREE bowl of soup...after I asked for the name of the 'soup of the day'; 1 Worker [on another day] offered additional 'food & beverage' (w/ a purchase), more food (in the future, if needed), and more "Time & Space" in the Dining Room
*Outside of MAD Greens [Restaurant] (a new location): 1 Worker, encountered before, offered FREE food (i.e., a sampler ["Hummus Trio"], and sandwich)...while I sat (w/ pita bread) at an Outdoor Dining table; 1 ???Local??? [on another day] offered monies, and Religious Group suggestions (e.g., to join a Church Congregation in Utah, and raise travel funds through a Church Congregation), also asked about the status of my travel situation...soon after I entered the Outdoor Dining Area; 1 Worker offered FREE food (i.e., a bowl of soup, pita bread, and cookie)...while I used my tablet at an Outdoor Dining table
*Main Street near Pizzeria Limone [Pizza Restaurant]: 1 Teenager offered monies...while I walked Westward
*Chuck-A-Rama [Buffet Restaurant Chain]: 1 Customer offered monies, and encouragement, also asked about my travel situation...while I used the Ladies restroom; 1 Waitress (w/ a Manager and Co-workers) offered a buffet meal, monies (in an envelope, later that night), and encouragement (to have a Merry Christmas); 1 [ANONYMOUS] [on another day] offered monies...then a Waitress informed me of the charitable donation, while I finished off a meal at a Dining Room table; 1 Waitress (the aforementioned) (who is a member of LDS), encountered before, offered more food (in the future, if needed), also asked about my travel story
*Outside of Chuck-A-Rama [Buffet Restaurant Chain]: 1 Child (w/ a group) offered a gift card...after I exited the Restaurant; 1 Child (w/ an Adult) offered monies
*#UNDISCLOSED#: 1 Store Associate offered a FREE hot beverage (to pick up inside a Store)...while I rested in my pitched tent, inside a storage shed (after camping overnight)
***************REVERSE ALTRUISM:***************
*#UNDISCLOSED#: 2 Salt Lake City Homeless Outreach Service Team (HOST) Members asked me to leave a parking lot shed...while I rested in my pitched tent, inside a storage shed (after camping overnight). During the encounter, 1 of the 2 HOST Members (who is a former Law Enforcement Officer) insisted that I visit the Road Home Shelter (in downtown Salt Lake City) for housing, and homeless services; 1 ???Store Associate??? [on another day] asked me to leave a parking lot shed (yet said that they wouldn't call the Police on me); 2 Local Police Officers issued me a verbal "Trespass Warning" from a Store...while I prepared to pack out of my pitched tent
*Parking Lot Lane of a Shopping Area near Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar [Sports Bar Restaurant Chain]: 1 group [in a vehicle] offered care packages (i.e., bottled water, a sweater [Hollister "Malibu CA" embroidery], knit caps, scarf, and gloves); 1 [in a vehicle] [on another day] offered food (i.e., a plate of food ???from a dinner???)
*Outside of Great Harvest Bread Co. [Bakery]: 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered 'to pay for a loaf of bread'...while I stood (w/ a cup of coffee [purchased earlier]) near an outdoor bench; 1 Customer [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered monies, and encouragement (???to have a Merry Christmas???), also asked about my travel situation
*Parking Lot of El Pollo Loco [Mexican Fast-Food Chain]: 1 [in a pickup truck w/ a companion] offered desserts (fruit pies), after asking, "Are you hungry?"
*Outside of Denny's Diner: 1 Worker (who was off-duty [in a work uniform]) [w/ a vehicle] offered monies, after mentioning that they noticed me earlier inside the Diner and were concerned about my situation...while I stood near an outdoor bench
*Parking Lot Lane of The Meadows [Shopping Area] near Jimmy John's [Gourmet Sandwich Restaurant Chain]: 1 [in a pickup truck] offered monies
*1200 East across from Denny's Diner: 1 [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered monies, also asked about my travel story...while I walked along the street
*Outside of Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar [Sports Bar Restaurant Chain] (closed for the Holiday): 1 [w/ a van] offered a gift card (from IHOP), after briefly asking about my travel situation...while I sat (on an outdoor bench) (to get some brief shelter from rainy weather)
*Outside of Culver's [Fast Casual Dining Chain]: 1 Customer [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered monies, and encouragement (???to have a Happy Holidays???)...after I entered the Outdoor Dining Area
*[an International Coffeehouse Chain]: 1 Customer offered 'to pay for my food & beverage'
*Outside of [an International Coffeehouse Chain]: 1 Local Worker (who works for a local Logistics Company) offered monies (to pay for coffee), and a job opportunity (w/ business cards), after mentioning that they saw me moving about in town last year, also asked about my travel situation...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet at an Outdoor Dining table; 1 Customer [on another day] offered monies...while I stood in the Outdoor Dining Area
*Firehouse Subs [Sandwich Chain]: 1 Customer (w/ a group) offered 'to pay for a meal,' after asking, "[Did] you get just a cookie? Do you want a sandwich?" also asked about my travel story...soon after I purchased a cookie; 1 Customer (w/ a group) offered a Hotel room stay, and ride (to a local Hotel), also asked about my travel story; 1 Worker [on another day] offered a FREE cookie, after I requested a cookie
*Del Taco [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Worker offered a FREE burrito; 1 Worker [on another day] offered 'to pay for food & beverage'
*Outside of Del Taco: 1 Customer (w/ a group) offered 'to pay for dinner'
*Maverik [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer offered monies, and said, "Go get yourself something warm!"...while I stood near the entrance; 1 Customer offered monies (to pay for a Hotel room stay), after asking about my travel situation; 1 Customer offered monies, and 'to pay for a hot chocolate,' after mentioning that they (including their Children) have "seen me around" town; 1 Youth offered monies; 1 Customer [who wore a camouflage-style winter outfit] offered 'to pay for food & beverage'
*Outside of Dickey's Barbecue Pit [Barbecue Restaurant Chain] adjacent to [an International Coffeehouse Chain]: 1 [an International Coffeehouse Chain] "Drive-Thru" Customer offered monies, before saying, "Good luck!"...while I stood in the Outdoor Dining Area; 1 [in a vehicle w/ a companion] offered monies, and hand warmers
*Outside of 7-Eleven [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 Customer offered monies, and encouragement (to have a Happy New Year)
*Outside of Riced [Asian Cuisine Restaurant] (closed for the Holiday): 1 [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered winter gloves, also asked about my travel situation
*Outside of Greek Souvlaki [Greek Restaurant]: 1 ???Customer??? [w/ a van] offered monies, and encouragement (to have a Happy New Year), also asked about my travel situation
*Parking Lot Exit on Ashton Boulevard near Aubergine & Company [Restaurant]: 2 [in a vehicle] offered pita bread (after I quickly strolled along the sidewalk path just outside of Aubergine & Company)
*Outside of Aubergine & Company [Restaurant]: 1 ???Worker??? offered food (i.e., soup, and bread)
*Club House Drive near Carl's Jr. [Hardee's affiliated Fast-Food Chain]: 1 offered monies, and said, "Happy New Year!"
*Digital Drive towards Wendy's: 1 [w/ a vehicle] offered monies (to pay for food at Wendy's), and said, "Happy New Year!"
*Wendy's: 1 Worker offered FREE coffee (w/ my order)
*Blaze Pizza [Pizza Restaurant]: 1 Customer (w/ a large group) offered 'to pay for pizza and dessert,' after I requested a cookie; 1 Customer offered a gift card

*State Street/US-89 near Panda Express [Asian Gourmet Restaurant Chain]: 2 Youths [w/ a group in a vehicle] offered monies...while I walked Eastward
*IHOP Restaurant: 1 Adult (w/ a Youth [1 of the 2 aforementioned Youths]), encountered earlier, offered a ride, also asked about my travel situation...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet (on a couch) in the entryway; 1 Customer offered monies, and said, "Merry Christmas! Here's a couple of bucks. I hope it can help you out."; 1 Customer (w/ a companion) offered 'to pay for a few meals' (i.e., any desired "Dine-In" and "To-Go" meals), also asked about my travel story...while I walked towards the exit; 1 Customer (w/ a companion) [on another day] offered monies, and said, "Merry Christmas!"...while I prepared to leave the entryway; 1 [ANONYMOUS] [on another day] offered 'to pay for my meal'...then the Waitress informed me of the charitable donation; 1 Waitress (the aforementioned), encountered before, offered a FREE hot chocolate; 1 Waitress (the aforementioned), encountered before, offered more "Time & Space" inside the Dining Room (where it was warmer)...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet (on a couch) in the entryway; 1 Customer [on another day] offered a gift card (from Walmart)...while I stood inside the entryway; 1 Customer [on another day] offered a gift card (courtesy of their Children), and said, "Merry Christmas!" also asked about my travel situation...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet (on a couch) in the entryway; 1 [ANONYMOUS] [on another day] offered monies (later that night), and 'to pay for a meal'...then a Waitress informed me of the charitable donation; 1 Waitress [on another day] offered 'to pay for a meal'; 1 Customer (w/ a group) [on another day] offered food (i.e., the leftovers from a meal [in a "To-Go" box])...after I entered the entryway; 1 Waitress [on another day] offered 'food & beverage' (i.e., a few biscuits, and coffee), after I simply ordered 'biscuits & coffee'; 1 Customer (w/ a group) [on another day] offered monies, and said, "Merry Christmas!"; 1 Customer (w/ a group) offered monies, after asking, "Do you need any help?"...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet (on a couch) in the entryway; 1 Youth (w/ a large group) offered monies, and said, "Merry Christmas!"; 1 Waiter [on another day] offered a hot chocolate...after I ordered a hot chocolate
*Outside of The Home Depot [Home Improvement Store]: 1 Shopper offered monies, and said, "Merry Christmas!"...while I transferred goods from old bags to new bags near an entryway
*Parking Lot of Les Schwab Tire Center [Tire Shop]: 1 [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered monies
*Outside of Popeyes [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Local [w/ a vehicle] offered winter gear (i.e., a winter hat, and socks); 1 [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies...after I stopped to get some brief rest (from my heavy hiking backpack load); 1 Youth [w/ an Adult in a vehicle] offered money...while I used my tablet PC
*Popeyes [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Worker offered FREE 'food & beverage' (i.e., chicken tenders, and a beverage)...after I ordered a side of 'red beans & rice'
*Parking Lot of The Meadows [Shopping Area] near Roxberry Juice Co. [Smoothie Shop]: 1 [in a vehicle] offered monies, and encouragement (to be blessed by God)
*Walmart [Large Retail Department Store Chain]: 1 Store Associate (???who was off-duty??? [in work attire]) offered hand warmers...while I finished off a snack in an entryway; 1 Store Associate [on another day] offered granola bars...while I used FREE WiFi w/ my tablet in an entryway; 1 Shopper offered monies; 1 Store Associate offered 'food & beverage,' and monies, also said, "Merry Christmas!"; ???1 Youth (w/ a large group) offered monies???
*Del Taco [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Worker offered a FREE cookie...after I ordered a cookie; Over 2 Customers (w/ a large group) offered monies (to pay for food), and encouragement (???to have a Merry Christmas???)
*The Home Depot [Home Improvement Store]: 1 Store Associate offered a ride, and additional help (if needed)
*Outside of Beans & Brews [Coffeehouse Chain] adjacent to Tenney's Pizza [Pizza Shop]: 1 Tenney's Pizza Customer [w/ a pickup truck] offered monies, by saying, "Merry Christmas! Hopefully, you can manage this [cold weather]." also asked about my travel situation...while I repaired a purse strap (w/ a sewing kit) alongside the Coffeehouse
*Exxon/Fast Gas [Gas Station/Convenience Store]/[a certain Sandwich Chain] (a former location of Tesoro [Gas Station/Convenience Store]): 1 Customer offered monies, after asking about my travel story; 1 Worker [on another day] offered a cookie, after asking, "Would you like a cookie with your coffee?"
*Corner of 900 West & State Street/US-89 near Del Taco: 2 (each) [in a vehicle w/ a group] offered monies
*Parking Lot of Walmart: 1 [in a vehicle w/ Children] offered a care package
*Bus Stop on State Street/US-89: 1 UTA Bus Driver [in a transit bus], encountered many times before, offered a FREE ride...after I entered a bus



+ I donated a blanket to a Utah Charity via a drop box in a Strip Mall parking lot in Sandy.
+ I donated food, toiletries, headwear, and a book to a few Utah Charities via drop boxes in Strip Mall parking lots in Orem.
+ I donated food, a bottled beverage, headwear, sweater, gloves, socks, and personal care items to a Utah Charity via a drop box at a Gas Station in American Fork.

*$$$...$$$: Charity after Request [*PRICELESS EFFORT*]
*#POLICESHUTTLE#: FREE Law Enforcement Transportation
*#UNDISCLOSED#: Restricted Details about Location of Encounter
*[*FUNNY*]...[*FUNNY*]: Laughable Charitable Occurrence (such as favorable machine error happenstance)
*#CLEANSLATEUTAH#: Expunged/Cleared Criminal Record

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