Monday, October 17, 2016

*Thoughts about THE MISCONCEIVED STATE OF ISLAM in light of Christian Revelatory Impulse*

According to traditional record, a certain Waraqa Naufal was the first to call Muhammada (the founder of Islam) a Prophet of God. If Waraqa Naufal was in fact an Arab CHRISTIAN PRIEST (of Ebionitism and Nestorianism), then Islam is simply an Arabian Heretical sect of Christian Theological Thought (i.e., a Religious Ethnic Group influenced by the Revelationary Impulse of Christianity). Therefore, the Quran (a Religious text of Islam) is an Arab-focused Inspirational Rule book that is similar in traditional regard (for customary writings) to the following supporting texts of other major Abrahamic Religious Groups (of Judaism and Christianity): the Jewish Talmud, the Catholic Catechism, and the "Book of Mormon."

In short, False Prophet Muhammada was under a "Spirit of Divination," and lacked the necessary Christological training (i.e., Christian theological study) to appropriately incorporate the Christian Revelation from Waraqa Naufal into a "Christian canon-focused Missionary framework" that could have been used to ETHICALLY PROSELYTIZE (convert to Christianity) Arabia.

[NOTE: To add insult to 'the injured Middle Eastern Christian Church,' Muslims (Islamists) reject the "Divine Lordship of Jesus Christ," and the significance of the "Cross of Christ," although Jesus Christ is 'referred to' (mentioned) OVER 90 TIMES in the Quran!]

**ATTENTION:** Islam is WAYWARD EBIONITISM! Supposedly, Waraqa Naufal attempted to indoctrinate Muhammada into Ebionite Christianity. On another shocking note, Waraqa Naufal (as an Ebionite Priest and Spiritual Leader in Mecca [3]) read Muhammada's marriage sermon, during the marriage ceremony of Muhammada to Khadija, who was a cousin of Waraqa Naufal.

[SEE the following reference links:
3. (The Ebionites, Muhammad, and the Quran. By Quotable Quotes, October 22, 2010) (SEE the 9th paragraph)]

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