Monday, July 17, 2017


Biblically Inspired Revelations:

+ All Christians among Old Earth should be exiled/banished to Israel-"The Holy Land" (Greater Israel), SAVE THE 7 CHURCHES OF ASIA (described in the Book of Revelation, Chapters 1-3).
+ In the "Body of Christ," the Lord God Jesus Christ issues Family and Friends (e.g., marriage, the offspring tree [descent], and close friendship [from one's DIVINELY INSPIRED neighborhood formation]). Once again, the Lord God issues Family (the Lord God makes the wives, and the offspring are from the Lord God) and Friends (close friendship should be easy to come by in one's DIVINELY INSPIRED neighborhood, among one's neighbors, where one loves thy neighbor as thyself [according to the Great Commandment in the Gospel of Matthew 22:39-40]). [NOTE: Those who make their own Family and Friends inevitably rely on lifelong hazing to extract loyalty, and overlook natural (God-given) degrees of separation (and incompatibility).]
+ "Eternal Marriage/Companionship" is issued from the Lord God, and the "special 2" cannot get divorced (separated) (SEE Genesis 3:16). On the other hand, "Temporal Marriage" (Religious or Civil) is a union (monogamous pair-bond or polygamous mating system) between Adamah-types, who can always get divorced (SEE Matthew 19:3-9; 1 Corinthians 7:15). [NOTE: Outside of Evolution, all beings made in the image and after the likeness of God, who are born (or made from the dust of the Earth), are DEFAULT ADAMAH (Adam)-types. Therefore, modern marriage (Temporal Marriage) is only between Adamah-types, whose gender specification (alpha or beta) is determined at birth by custom (w/ consideration of superficial determining factors).] [ASIDE: The custom of labeling Adamah-types with gender class stratification is contingent upon whether or not the baby is a model of the Alpha Parent (a.k.a. Father). For example, each baby of the Alpha Gender class is "made in the image and after the likeness of their Alpha Parent" (SEE Genesis 5:3) with the "Seal of Uncircumcision" that indicates that they were ASSIMILATED AT THE BLOOD AND SEED into the blood lineage and family tree of their Alpha Parent, while each baby of the Beta Gender (Woman) class is born with an issue of blood that indicates distinction (at the genetics/heredity) away from the blood and biological material pattern of their Alpha Parent. The issue of blood is significant enough for the mothers of Jewish Daughters to separate after childbirth for 80 days (Leviticus 12:5), in preparation for a ritual cleansing (mikvah). So, the Beta Gender (Woman) class is not permitted (from birth) to carry bloodlines and family trees, because their issue of blood indicates that they each were NOT ASSIMILATED into the blood lineage of their Alpha Parent.]
+ The Lord God-Adonai makes the AUTHENTIC ETERNAL WIVES from the flesh-body material (esp. the supportive material--a rib--exposed to the essential FLESH, BONE, and BLOOD PATTERN) of who they are made to HELP MEET (SEE Genesis 2:21-23 [KJV]). [NOTE: Originally, AUTHENTIC ETERNAL WIVES (a.k.a. Eve-types) were labeled the gender specification Woman, because they were really made from one rib of their Adamah-type (Alpha Mate) by the Lord God. (SEE Genesis 2:21-23)] Differently, modern wives are first born, then assigned to the Beta Gender (Woman) class by custom, and communally/societally trained to be wives. [EXAMPLE: Mystery, Babylon the Great (SEE Revelation 17) was naturally an Adamah-type by birth, whose original name would have been listed in the "Book of Life" under an Alpha name designation. Yet, after birth she was classified by custom to be a member of the Beta Gender (Woman) class, and communally/societally trained to be a wife.]


+ All NON-JEWISH CONVERTS TO CHRISTIANITY should RENOUNCE and DENOUNCE NON-JEWISH BLOODLINES, as a RITE OF PASSAGE into the "BODY OF CHRIST." [NOTE: I DO NOT SUPPORT NON-JEWISH BLOODLINES. I only support the BLOODLINE (and blood pattern) OF JESUS CHRIST-Yeshua Messiah. (SEE Ephesians 2:11-13) Therefore, it is easy to assume that conversion to the "Body of Christ" w/ participation in Holy Communion influences one's Christian body (of Non-Jewish heredity) to conform to the glorious body of Jesus Christ-Yeshua Messiah. (SEE Philippians 3:21; Ephesians 5:30--For we are members of {Christ} body, of {Christ} flesh, and of {Christ} bones.)]
+ In consideration of CHRIST BLOOD, the "Followers of Jesus Christ," who shed blood (esp. on a Menstrual Cycle) every month should be IMMEDIATELY EXILED to Israel (esp. Judaea), because converts to Christianity with an ISSUE OF BLOOD (every month) release a conflicting and misguided blood pattern threat on UNHOLY LANDS outside of the Holy Land-Israel; hence, all CHRISTIAN BLOODLINES should be actively concentrated in the Holy Land-Israel.
+ The "Bloodline Theory" of Christianity is under the directorship of the Lord God--marriage (the making of Wives-Help Meets) [SEE Genesis 2:18,21-25], and children are from the Lord God [SEE Genesis 4:1]--who is head of the "Body of Christ." Specifically, Jesus Christ-'the Lord God Omnipotent' is a "LORD & MASTER," who has DOMINION over the "FLESH & BLOOD" of the "Body of Christ."


+ The names of POLY-HEADED beings ARE NOT NAMES IN THE "BOOK OF LIFE." For example, beings that fit the Evolutionary Biology description for "Heads of Families," who have a head above their shoulders and genital head in their private parts (pubic area), do not have names in the "Book of Life." The "Book of Life" lists the names of MONO-HEADED (one headed) BEINGS made in the image and after the likeness of God.


Other Revelations:

+ Medical/Health Care Facilities and Secular Holistic Care Lodges/Houses are "Pagan Cult HEALING TEMPLES." (NOTE: Each person's HEAD has TEMPLES! Each Patient's prayer, chant, and worship sessions are informal [and at times formal] external Temple ritual ceremonies. Each Patient is prescribed a performance of SECULAR HEALING RITUALS. Moreover, Secular Healing Settlements [i.e., separation of Church and State Facilities/Hospitals, Lodges, Houses, etc.] perform outsourced Healing Temple rituals, and ILLEGALLY CHANNEL Healing Powers through technologies [e.g., Life Support-MEDIUM MACHINES, and Heart Pacemakers] and sorceries [e.g., the Caduceus-'Magic Wand', and Pharmakeia].) [SCENARIO OF THE YEAR: if there are 4 Patients of different Religions--1 Hindu, 1 Buddhist, 1 Apostate Church Parishioner, and 1 Wiccan--in separate Hospital rooms among their Family and Friends in a Hospital that operates with the "Caduceus" Medical Symbol (2 snakes on a magic wand/rod w/ wings carried by the Greek God Hermes), which Patient's Hospital room is the PAGAN CULT HEALING TEMPLE STRONGHOLD?]
+ All who believe in EVOLUTION are PAGAN INFIDELS, whose NAMES ARE NOT IN THE "BOOK OF LIFE." (SEE Revelation 13:8; 17:8)
+ ATTENTION: MENSTRUAL BLOOD MATTERS! The Woman Class (Beta Gender Class) should not be allowed to stay inside Medical/Health Care Healing Temples (such as Hospitals, Clinics, and Asylums [for disorders of mentality, behavior, etc.]), because the Woman Class has an ISSUE OF BLOOD (called Menstruation), which DEFILES TEMPLES. Instead, the Woman Class can stay in external Care/Quarantine Units (such as trailers, huts, etc.). [NOTE: Menstrual Blood is such a serious issue that Jewish Women, in accordance with Mosaic Law, have participated in Religious purification rituals, such as mikvah (ritual bath) (after each Menstrual Cycle, and childbirth)--for thousands of years--to leverage more control over the impure issue of blood, particular to Womanhood.]


+ Racial Groups are under a wayward "Bloodline Theory" that diverges away from the "Bloodline Theory" of the "Ancestors of the Generations of the World"--who had no desire to leave Mesopotamia (described in the Book of Genesis, Chapter 11)--and VIOLATES the eternal "Bloodline Theory" of the Lord God Omnipotent
+ All EARTH BLOOD considered, Lower-to-Middle class and Peasant-to-Noble class ones, who shed blood (esp. on a Menstrual Cycle) every month should be IMMEDIATELY EXILED to Mesopotamian areas (esp. the Fertile Crescent region), because Lower class bloodlines intrinsically defile the Earth with lack-luster blood patterns that should never be registered as essential to the sustainment of ecosystems throughout the Earth. For example, every time a Peasant/'Lower Class One' releases blood into the soil and/or sewer systems, the whole Earth is influenced to be LOW-LEVEL ORDER wasted. Therefore, ONLY MONARCHICAL (Royal Family) BLOODLINES are presumably BLESSED BY GOD with the privilege to BLOOD PATTERN INFLUENCE THE EARTH!
+ It should be SOCIALLY DISCOURAGED and RELIGIOUSLY ILLEGAL for certain (esp. Lower class ones), who shed blood (esp. on a Menstrual Cycle) every month, to enter the NEIGHBORHOODS and HOUSING AREAS of others. Presumably, their blood (and waste) would disturb (unsettle and interfere with normal flora and fauna processes) the ecosystems within the neighborhoods and housing areas of others. Eventually, the hormones, biological forces and pressures from their blood could seem to alter the desired functional way of life in each neighborhood and housing area, where they release secretions (esp. blood and waste) into the soil and sewers. To be specific, they--who shed blood every month--are not obligated to "love thy neighbor as thyself" (SEE Matthew 22:39-40) in the neighborhoods and housing areas of others, so their blood pattern could threaten the nurtured order in particular--to other neighborhoods and housing areas--with an alien influence that transfers a susceptibility to foreign/divergent sensibilities and hormonal processes.


+ It should be SOCIALLY DISCOURAGED and RELIGIOUSLY ILLEGAL for the SICK and the POOR to eat FLESH MEAT together, because MEAT CAN MAKE ONE OFFENSIVE, and the SICK and the POOR are under an OFFENSIVE STATE. The SICK and the POOR seem more affected by "IDOLATRY AND POLLUTIONS OF THE WORLD." So, I consider the following Biblical passage, "1 Corinthians 8:13: Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend."


    - Can Medical/Health Care even get a job in a Temple of Asclepius (a.k.a. Asclepeion) in Greece?! [NOTE: Medical/Health Care is an apostate Healing Temple order that honors the Greek Mythology Demigod (of Medicine and Healing) Asclepius. Specifically, Medical/Health Care is the most notorious marketeer of the "Staff of Asclepius" (a serpent on a staff), which is the traditional symbol of Medicine.]
    - Can ISIS (a.k.a. the Islamic State) even get a job at the Great Mosque of Mecca in Saudi Arabia?!

  2. HEALTH REVELATIONS of years 2017 to 2018:

    Uh! I walked many--tons of--miles w/ my hiking gear (and at times w/ a shopping cart as push cart transportation), yet I gained pudginess in my nose, lower belly, and legs (esp. my calves), since I arrived back in the United States (New York - JFK Airport) in late October 2017. [NOTE: In February 2017, I traveled overseas to Israel, by airplane. So, I was overseas for over 8 months in year 2017, from early February to late October.]

    1. HOT COCOA causes my legs to SWELL (completely out of is shockingly scary) (after 2 cups a day)
    2. CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES and HOT COFFEE together cause my legs to SWELL (after only 1 cookie and 1 cup of coffee)
    3. POLLUTED-LOOKING WORKERS (e.g., the dark-complexioned, the fattened/pudgy, the physically abnormal [at the face, and stature], the hairy, and the tattooed) at Restaurants cause my nose, lower belly, and legs to SWELL (and tumefy) (after each visit)
    4. JOKES (internal/external) about Medical/Health Care cause my nose, lower belly, and legs to SWELL (as if illegally injected w/ mysterious Plastic Surgery-style substances in the nose, lower belly, and inner thighs) (after a few jokes a day)

  3. Biblically Inspired Revelation:

    + Unholy Land Congregations (including Apostate Churches) are UNWORTHY to partake in Holy Communion outside of 'The Holy Land'-Israel (where the Messianic-Christian Jewish can oversee the most important Christian ceremonies), because they are usually Non-Jewish Converts (to Christianity), who "EAT PORK (a.k.a. the PINKISH BLOOD MEAT) and other Non-Kosher foods," and "use Pharmakeia (a.k.a. Pharmaceutical Drugs)--the usage and administering of drugs, poison, sorcery, and magic associated with idolatry. [SEE I Corinthians 11:25-30]"

  4. Biblically Inspired Revelations:

    + The spotted, blemished, and wrinkled (and even the redheaded) must NOT BE ALLOWED to enter Christian Ministry Leadership, and work as Missionaries, because the Church-"The Body of Christ" is expected to be found without spot, blemish, and wrinkle. (SEE Ephesians 5:27; 1 Peter 1:19) Yet, Christian Converts who are spotted, blemished, and wrinkled are still expected to eventually be healed of any superficial stigmatized conditions through active participation in Christian "Rites of Passage" ceremonies (e.g., Baptism, and Holy Communion) that should be performed under Messianic-Christian Jewish oversight in Israel. [NOTE: All Converts to "The Body of Christ" are expected to look increasingly Jewish like Jesus Christ-Yeshua Messiah. (SEE Philippians 3:21)]
    + All Non-Jewish Christian Congregations that fail to look Jewish (more like Jesus Christ-Yeshua Messiah) should be EXILED/BANISHED to Israel or EXCOMMUNICATED

    Other Revelations:

    + All who truly support SECULARISM, EVOLUTION, and HELIOCENTRISM are INFIDELS that would be EXECUTED in the Theocracy of Lord God Almighty. (NOTE: Sadly, America is Secular [supports separation of Church and State], and "teaches Evolution [falsehood claiming that humans/'biped sentients' are descendants of Apes] and Heliocentrism [falsehood claiming that the Earth revolves around the Sun] in schools.")
    + The Beta Gender (Woman) class is DISENFRANCHISED at the Family Tree/Blood Lineage (at birth), and Social Status (minus the following exceptions to the rule: Royalty, and the Jewish). For example, Women who get married usually change their names (esp. their maiden names [birth last names]). As a result, Women are not expected to hold ownership to long-term positions of authority in bloodlines.

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  6. Biblically Inspired Revelation:

    + The Destiny of the Godly Woman: To be a Child of God forever, and like the Angels of God in Heaven by the Resurrection (Matthew 22:30; Luke 20:34-36; Revelation 20:5-6) (Support for being accounted worthy to obtain that world: Genesis 2:18--"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the [Adamah-type] should be alone; I will make [the Adamah-type] an help meet for [the Adamah-type]."... The Lord God provides suitable Adult companionship. So I get my own w...too!)

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  8. Other Revelation:

    + Medical/Health Care (MHC) illegally directs people from different Religions/Beliefs towards Greek Mythology Gods (via Greek God symbols on ambulances, Medical Associations, etc.), thereby imposing Greek Pagan Imperialism on many people throughout the World. (NOTE: MHC is dangerous, because it can always conjure up Greek Mythology Gods in their Hospitals [a.k.a. Healing Temples], and cause Patients of differing Religions/Beliefs to be subject to Greek Mythology God Rituals and Ceremonies. For example, while Patients are lethargic, MHC Workers are permitted to offer their bodies to the "Greek God of Healing" Asclepius, by often turning their bodies towards the "Staff of Asclepius" [displayed on ambulances everywhere].)
