Monday, September 30, 2019

Should Israel officially declare that Christianity is a Jewish Religion?

+ Yes! Christianity is definitely a Jewish Religion, because it is Abrahamic, Monotheistic, inclusive of the Torah and Tanakh (ancient texts from Judaism), and has roots in Second Temple Judaism. Christianity is based on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ-Yeshua Messiah (also known to be Jesus of Nazareth), who was a Jewish Healer, Teacher, and Prophet from Nazareth, Israel (born in Bethlehem). (SEE Ephesians 2:11-13,19; Ephesians 3:6; Romans 11:17-26)

*IMPETUS FOR CHANGE: Right now in Israel, the Israeli Government denies Aliyah ("Law of Return" immigration into Israel) to Messianic Jewish, and the Israeli Supreme Court upholds the unfair legalese of Law of Return that Christianity is a Non-Jewish Religion. Christians are followers of Yeshua Messiah, who was obviously a Jew and citizen of Israel (spiritually and contextually, even though the region was called Judea during the Roman occupation). (SEE the following articles on the topic: |

Monday, September 2, 2019

*Autumn 2019 (AM 5780): The Lord will not allow the good to go hungry, but rejects the cravings of the wicked*

Random Acts of Charity or Planned Release of Goods

#charity   #altruism   #alms   #almsdeeds   #tzedakah   #messianicjews   #christianjews   #2019

***DESIRED ALMSDEED to gladly receive: 1-WAY TRIP TO ISRAEL***
***ARE THERE ANY JEWS (Messianic-Christian) left IN THE WORLD?***
***ATTENTION: EXILE ALL CHRISTIANS TO "Biblical Cosmology-oriented" ISRAEL (away from Heliocentric America) NOW!***









In September, the locals of Everett, Chelsea, Boston, Weymouth, and Quincy offered me food, liquid refreshment, monies, coupon(s), public transit payment card(s), ticket(s), Religious pamphlet(s)/booklet(s), blanket(s), lodging, Hotel room(s), temporary shelter, ride(s), help, companionship, Food & Shelter Agency information/suggestions, Shelter information/suggestions, job suggestion(s), Religious Church information/suggestions, Religious/Spiritual advice, travel advice, and encouragement. *End result: food, another pair of shoes (boots), another replacement luggage cart, more paper towels, another pair of pants, and fabric tape (to use as fabric patches for my jacket)

*Outside of Sunoco/APlus [Gas Station/Convenience Store] across from Stop & Shop [Supermarket Chain]: 1 ???Homeless Person??? (who usually sits outside of the Stop & Shop), encountered many times before, offered coins ('spare change'), after "shaking my hand" and "asking how I was doing"...I was approached, while I stood alongside the building; 1 Customer [in a vehicle] offered monies; 1 Customer (who is a self-proclaimed "Boston Girl," and used to work for Stop & Shop) [w/ a companion in a van], encountered many times before, [on another day] offered monies, after asking about my well-being, before asking about the status of my travel situation...while I prayed over some food (next to the Icebox) alongside the building; 1 Customer (???who is a companion of a Worker???) [w/ a Worker (who was off-duty) in a vehicle] offered 'to pay for a beverage'; 1 Customer (who is a new U.S. Citizen/Immigrant from Brazil, is divorced [from a marriage], and lives in a work van [w/ a bed, microwave, and water cooler]) [w/ a work van], encountered many times before, [on another day] offered 'to pay for a beverage,' also inquired about the status of my travel situation...while I stood alongside the building; 1 Customer, encountered many times before, [on another day] offered monies...while I used my tablet PC (on a sidewalk curb) on one side of the building; 1 Customer (who was a Professional Driver [Chauffeur]), encountered many times before, [on another day] offered monies, before asking about how it (life) was going...while I stood alongside the building; 1 Customer [in a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies...while I sat (next to the Icebox) alongside the building; 1 Customer offered monies...while I prepared to eat a snack (purchased earlier); 1 Local, encountered many times before, offered 'food & water' (i.e., a taco [in a "To-Go" bag], and cup of water from Taco Bell)...while I finished off a snack; 1 Customer (who grew up Catholic, and is from Cape Verde, West Africa), encountered many times before, offered coins ('spare change'), and encouragement (to take care), before asking about my well-being...while I jotted down some notes w/ my writing pad; 1 Customer [in a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies...while I stood (next to the Propane Tank Locker) on one side of the building. [NOTE: I decided to move my standing promotion of the "Cross of Christ" (w/ my cap and armband) around the corner (of the building) next to the Propane Tank Locker, because the storefront smelled like profuse armpit funk. I suspect that another bum left behind the SMELL OF SUCCESS from their RIGHT ARM RAISED PANHANDLE...AMUSING BUM JOKE OF THE DAY.]; 1 Customer [in a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies...while I stood alongside the building; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered a beverage (i.e., a half-full cold beverage in a cup from Dunkin' Donuts)...while I finished off a snack (next to the Icebox) alongside the building; 1 Teenager offered monies...while a Customer (who has offered me charity before) (encountered many times before) asked me about my travels; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered money, by saying, "This is for you!"...while I sat (w/ instant oatmeal [prepared earlier]); 1 Customer, encountered many times before, offered 'food & water' (i.e., fruit [apple, and orange], and bottled water)...while I sat (next to the Icebox); 1 Local Worker (who is a Muslim) [w/ a work truck that displayed an Eagle Services - Complete Property Care decal] [on another day] offered monies, 'to pay for groceries' (including fruit), Religious/Spiritual advice (to ask God for help [???to get to Israel???]), and encouragement, after asking why I sat outside of the Gas Station, also inquired about "my travel situation & story"...while I drank a cup of coffee (from Common Ground) (on a sidewalk curb) (next to the Propane Tank Locker) on one side of the building. [NOTE: ONCE AGAIN--among another Muslim--every time I mentioned anything about Waraqa Naufal, the Arabian Christian Priest who was the first to call Muhammada a Prophet of God, they overlooked my statements and changed the subject. I now suspect that Muslims were adverse to knowing about the Arabian Christian Priest who ordained Muhammada to be a Prophet, and whose Biblical translations/writings (as an Ebionite Priest and Spiritual Leader in Mecca) were used to put together the Quran. By far...the STRANGEST RELIGIOUS PHENOMENA that I've ever witnessed in broad daylight. However, when I mentioned that the first Wife of Muhammada, Khadija was a cousin of Waraqa Naufal, then the Local Worker quickly responded by saying, "Khadija," and then retold a story about how Muhammada worked for Khadija--who was older and wealthier--before their marriage.]; 2 Customers (the 2nd Customer went to a Catholic School) [on another day] offered 'food & water' (including bottled water), and a job suggestion (to get a job w/ an International Staffing Agency, and ???work to cover travel expenses???), after the 1st Customer asked if I remembered them from a past encounter (when they offered me charity), before the 1st Customer gave me a handshake, also asked about "my travel situation & story"...while I quietly sat (next to the Icebox) alongside the building; 1 Customer [w/ a van] offered bottled water; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered money; 2 Customers [in a vehicle] offered monies, after asking, "Are you alright? Do you need anything?"; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle], encountered before, [on another day] offered money, by saying, "Here you go sweetie!"...while I stood alongside the building (after finishing off a bowl of oatmeal); 1 Customer (who is a new U.S. Citizen/Immigrant from Brazil, is divorced [from a marriage], and lives in a work van [w/ a bed, microwave, and water cooler]) [w/ a work van], encountered many times before, [on another day] offered 'to pay for food & beverages' (i.e., "food, and a cup of coffee from Burger King [later that day]," and bottled beverage), temporary shelter (i.e., an overnight stay in their van, where they would offer me one side of their bed, and then they would sleep on the other side of their bed [later that day]), a ride (to Burger King [later that day]), companionship (e.g., "to sit w/ me and talk," "to touch and kiss my right hand," and "to touch and kiss my face"), and encouragement (to know/"look for" the signs of Jesus, ???even the signs written on walls???), after insisting that I travel back to Utah (because of the seasonal changes in the weather), before asking if I remembered them from a past encounter (when they offered me charity), also inquired about "my travel situation & story"...while I sat (next to the Icebox); 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered monies, before saying, "God bless! (Then, they shook my hand.)"; 1 Customer [in a vehicle] offered 'to pay for food & water/beverage'...while I finished off a sweet treat (candy bar); 2 Customers (each) (w/ a companion) offered 'food & water' (i.e., "a few 'To-Go' bags of tacos from Taco Bell," bag of Andy Capp's Cheddar Fries, and bottled water)...while I drank a cup of coffee/cappuccino (w/ my Reusable Cup); 1 Customer [in a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies...while I sat (next to the Icebox); 1 Customer (who is Catholic, yet grew up attending Pentecostal, Baptist and Evangelical Churches, and plans to put together a Multi-Faith Ministry) [in a vehicle], encountered many times before, [on another day] offered money, and encouragement (they often hope that I get a nice warm abode), after asking about the status of my travel situation...while I sat (w/ food [that a Construction Worker--a certain Sandwich Chain' Customer--offered 'to pay for']) (on a sidewalk curb) (next to the Propane Tank Locker) on one side of the building; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered money, after asking how I was doing...while I sat (and dozed off); 1 Customer [w/ a companion in a vehicle] [on another day] offered 'to pay for food & water' (including bottled water)...while I sipped a cup of coffee/cappuccino (w/ my Reusable Cup) (next to the Icebox) alongside the building; 1 Customer [in a vehicle], encountered before, offered monies, after asking about the status of my travel situation...while I paced along (w/ a cup of coffee/cappuccino [in my Reusable Cup]) alongside the building; 1 Customer [w/ a group in a vehicle] [on another day] offered bottled water, after asking, "[Do] you got a drink? Do you want it (a bottled water)? Here you go! (Then, they handed me a bottled water.)"...while I ate a snack (next to the Icebox) alongside the building
*Median Strip (Traffic Island) on Revere Beach Parkway & South Ferry Street near Dunkin' Donuts that shares a Strip Mall Property with Richdale Convenience Store: 1 Customer (who works as an Auto Mechanic for Lightning Lube ["Oil Change & Automotive Services" Shop]) [w/ a vehicle], encountered before, offered 'to pay for food & beverage,' and additional help (in the future, if needed), after asking if I remembered them from a recent encounter (at the Auto Shop in Chelsea), before explaining that I could stop by and ask them for help, because they are a Christian Auto Shop...while I crossed the street (towards the Dunkin' Donuts adjacent to the Popeyes DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET...*SIGH*...a Dunkin' Run deja vu moment... :| )
*Outside of Dunkin' Donuts [Doughnut Company and Coffeehouse Chain] adjacent to Popeyes [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 ???Popeyes Customer??? [w/ a Child in a vehicle] offered monies, before saying, "God bless!"...while I ate a bagel (on a ledge) alongside the building; 1 [on another day] offered monies...while I stood alongside the building; 1 [in a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies, before saying, "Good luck!"...after I placed down my hiking gear; 1 Customer [on another day] offered money...while I sat (on a ledge) alongside the building; 1 Popeyes Customer offered 'to pay for food & beverage' (from the Popeyes next door); 1 Customer (who owns a Window Washing/Carpet Cleaning Company, used to serve in the U.S. Military at Guantanamo Bay, is divorced [from a marriage], and used to be homeless) (who would soon move to Hawaii [to wait out the next U.S. Depression/Recession on the economy]) [w/ a bicycle], encountered many times before, offered 'to pay for a ticket' (to travel w/ them by airplane to Israel, because they have Military Card Clearance), lodging (in their home), companionship (because they were looking for another Wife, to start a family with), and encouragement (???to have good luck???), also inquired about the status of "my travel situation & story"...while I finished off "food and beverage" (that another Popeyes Customer offered 'to pay for'); 1 Local Worker [who wore an A. Duie Pyle Inc. (Transportation and Logistics Company) work uniform] [on another day] offered more coffee (in the future), and 'to pay for food & beverage' (including a cup of coffee), after asking if they could buy me a coffee, also asked about my travel situation...while I sat (and monitored through the windows my tablet PC that was recharging w/ a power outlet [on a window sill] inside the Dining Room); 1 Customer [on another day] offered monies (later that morning), and 'to pay for food & beverage'...while I sat (on a ledge) alongside the building; 1 Customer (who is a Christian, used to be homeless, and was a "crackhead" [drug addict]), encountered before, offered 'to pay for a beverage,' and Religious/Spiritual advice (???to ask Jesus [Christ] about how to get to Israel???), after asking about my travel situation...while I jotted down some notes w/ my writing pad (w/ "food and beverage" [that another Customer offered 'to pay for']); 1 Popeyes Customer [on another day] offered monies...while I sat (on a ledge); 1 [in a vehicle] offered money; 1 Customer (w/ a companion) offered 'to pay for food & beverage,' before asking about my travel situation; 1 [in a vehicle w/ a group] [on another day] offered monies...while I stood alongside the building; 1 Popeyes Customer (w/ another Adult, and a Child) offered monies, and 'to pay for food & beverage' (from Popeyes), before saying, "Have a good day!"...while I ate food (w/ beverage) (on a ledge) alongside the building; 1 ???Popeyes Customer??? offered monies, after asking if I was homeless; 1 [w/ a vehicle] offered coins ('spare change'); 1 offered coins ('spare change'); 1 Popeyes Customer [on another day] offered fries ([in a bag] from Popeyes), after asking if I wanted some more fries...while I finished off a bag of fries (from Popeyes) (purchased earlier); 1 Popeyes Customer [w/ a vehicle that displayed a Florida license plate] offered food (Pringles)...while I sat (on a ledge) alongside the building; 1 [w/ a vehicle] offered a blanket...while I sat (w/ a box of biscuits from Popeyes [purchased earlier]); 1 Popeyes Customer [in a vehicle w/ a companion] offered monies...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet; 1 [on another day] offered monies, after asking if I was waiting for a ride...while I sat (and monitored through the windows my tablet PC that was recharging w/ a power outlet [on a window sill] inside the Dining Room); 1 Adult and 1 Child offered monies (to pay for ???food/beverage??? later [from the Child]), and 'to pay for food & beverage' (including a cup of coffee [from the Adult]); 1 Popeyes Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered 'to pay for food' (from Popeyes), before giving me a hug...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet; 1 Customer [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered money, and encouragement (???to have a good one???)...while I sat (on a ledge) alongside the building; 1 ???Local Worker??? [who wore a nametag] offered coupons (i.e., a few "Sip. Peel. Win." coupons)...while I jotted down some notes w/ my writing pad; 1 Popeyes Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered 'to pay for food' (from Popeyes [later that afternoon]), and Shelter information/suggestions (about a Shelter on Pine St in Boston, where one could get food and housing), after asking if I was homeless, before requesting my information (such as my Facebook and page links), also asked about "my travel situation & story"...while I stood (and played a crossword puzzle) (on a ledge); 1 Popeyes Customer [who wore an MHC-style scrubs uniform] [w/ a vehicle] offered food (e.g., chicken [if wanted], or a biscuit), after asking if I was hungry...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet (on a ledge); 1 Popeyes Customer (w/ a companion) [on another day] offered money (i.e., the change from the transaction), and 'to pay for food & beverage,' after asking if I was hungry...while I sat (on a ledge); 1 ???Customer??? [on another day] offered monies, and encouragement (to have a good day); 1 Popeyes Customer [w/ a group in a van] offered food (i.e., a few chicken tenders, and biscuits [wrapped in napkins] from Popeyes); 1 Popeyes Customer (w/ a companion) [w/ a vehicle] offered money; 1 Popeyes Customer (who held "To-Go" bags of food) offered food (biscuits); 1 Popeyes Customer [w/ a companion in a pickup truck] offered monies, after saying, "I know [that] you're not asking for money. [But,] here's some money, if you need money."; 1 [in a vehicle] offered money; 1 Popeyes Customer (w/ a group) offered 'to pay for food & beverage' (from Popeyes); 1 ???Popeyes Customer??? [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies, after asking if I was homeless...while I sat (and cleaned my teeth w/ a toothpick) (on a ledge) alongside the building; 1 Local Worker [in a work truck] offered a biscuit...while I walked alongside the building; 1 Motorcyclist (who held a motorcycle helmet) offered travel advice (e.g., "to travel to Israel by airplane [not by foot]," and "to visit Jewish Synagogues, and network w/ them to get to Israel"), and encouragement, before requesting my Facebook page link, also inquired about "my travel situation & story"...while I sat (on a ledge) alongside the building; 1 Popeyes Customer (who is a Christian, used to be homeless, and was a "crackhead" [drug addict]) [w/ a vehicle], encountered many times before, offered 'to pay for food & beverage' (from Popeyes), and encouragement (???to know that I'm still blessed by God???), also inquired about the status of my travel situation
*Outside of Sunoco/APlus [Gas Station/Convenience Store] next to Popeyes: 1 Customer [w/ a pickup truck that displayed a Maine license plate], encountered before, offered monies, before saying, "God bless you! God bless you!"...while I stood (next to the Amazon Locker) alongside the building (after a heavy rainstorm); 1 Customer [w/ a group in a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies...while I stood alongside the building; 1 Customer [on another day] offered monies, before saying, "Good luck!"...while I drank a cup of coffee (w/ my Reusable Cup) (next to the Amazon Locker) alongside the building; 1 Customer [who wore a backpack], encountered many times before, [on another day] offered money, after commenting about the weather, before commenting about their like for playing puzzles, too...while I played a game of Sudoku (on a sidewalk curb) (after finishing off a bowl of oatmeal)
*Outside of Common Ground Coffee Roasters [Coffeehouse Chain] adjacent to [a certain Sandwich Chain]: 1 Customer [w/ a luggage cart] offered 'to pay for a beverage,' and encouragement (to have a good one)...while I sat (on a sidewalk curb) alongside the Coffeehouse; 1 Customer [w/ a group in a vehicle] offered food, and monies, after asking if I was hungry, also briefly asked about my travel situation...while I sat (w/ a cup of coffee [that another Customer offered 'to pay for']); 1 ???Professional Driver??? [w/ a work van that displayed a Transportation company decal] [on another day] offered 'to pay for a sub sandwich & beverage' (from [a certain Sandwich Chain] next door)...while I repaired areas of my hiking gear (w/ tape and scissors); 1 Customer (w/ a companion) [on another day] offered monies (later that afternoon), and 'to pay for food & beverage' (including a cup of coffee), also inquired about "my travel situation & story"...while I sat (on a sidewalk curb) alongside the Coffeehouse; 1 (who is a Christian, and used to be homeless [in New York]) offered 'to pay for a sub sandwich & beverage' (from [a certain Sandwich Chain] next door), a Religious booklet, help (by explaining that I should find/use libraries in towns visited), Shelter information/suggestions (about a Women's Shelter in Boston), and encouragement (w/ prayer), before asking if I was homeless...while I sat (w/ "food and beverage" [that the aforementioned Customer offered 'to pay for']); 1 Customer [w /a vehicle], encountered many times before, offered 'to pay for a smoothie'; 1 [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies, after asking, "What are you doing? Are you waiting on a ride or someone?... If I gave you all the money [that] I have in my pocket, would you be offended? [Because] others, if they see me, would [ask,] 'what are you doing?'..." also asked about my travel situation...while I sat (on a sidewalk curb) alongside the Coffeehouse; 1 Local Worker [in a work uniform] (who is an Auto Mechanic from Valvoline Instant Oil Change ["Oil Change & Automotive Services" Chain], is married, and has a Child), encountered many times before, offered 'to pay for a beverage' (bottle of lemonade), and clothing (from their Wife), after mentioning that they were looking for me last weekend (to offer me some clothes from their Wife), also asked about my travel situation; 1 Customer (w/ a companion) [w/ a pickup truck] offered monies, before saying, "God bless you!"...while I drank a bottle of lemonade (that the aforementioned Local Worker offered 'to pay for'); 1 Customer (w/ a companion) offered Shelter information/suggestions (by insisting that I go live at the Women's Shelter in Boston), before looking disturbingly past me and walking away...while I sat (on a sidewalk curb). Notably, the Customer walked over to me and immediately insisted that I go live at the Women's Shelter in Boston. I responded, "They don't allow pitched tents at Shelters in the United States. And, I pitch my tent [every day]. [Other than that, American] Shelters are into Remedial Training, [where the homeless] are trained to go from the Lower Class to the [Working Class/]Middle Class. I'm trying to get [overseas] to Israel [and Expatriate], [so I can't use the American Shelter System]."; 1 Customer, encountered many times before, offered 'to pay for a beverage'; 1 [a certain Sandwich Chain] Customer [who wore an El Tipico Restaurant (Columbian Cuisine Restaurant) work shirt] (w/ a companion) [w/ a work van], encountered before, [on another day] offered monies, and 'to pay for a sub sandwich meal' (from [a certain Sandwich Chain] next door); 1 Construction Worker [in a work uniform] (who used to be homeless) offered 'to pay for food & beverage' (from [a certain Sandwich Chain] next door), and additional help (w/ getting food [if needed], in the future), before explaining that their past homelessness and Creator (God) inspired them to give back (i.e., to offer me charity)
*Outside of Popeyes adjacent to Dunkin' Donuts: 1 Dunkin' Donuts Customer [w/ a ???pickup truck??? (that displayed a Handicap Parking Permit hanger on the rear-view mirror)] offered 'to pay for a beverage' (from the Dunkin' Donuts next door), before mentioning the "signs of the times in Massachusetts" (that Legislators were pushing a measure to soon release certain criminals from Prison [into general population], because of [unfair] apartheid-style treatment of certain Prisoners), also inquired about "my travel situation & story"...while I prayed over my "food and beverage" (purchased earlier) (on a ledge) alongside the Restaurant
*[a certain Sandwich Chain]: 1 [who had many tattoos] offered monies, by saying, "God (or the Lord) told me to give you that (money). God bless!"...after I walked away from the order counter (w/ "food and beverage" [that the aforementioned ???Professional Driver??? offered 'to pay for'])
*Revere Beach Parkway near Parkway Cycle [Motorsports Store]: 1 ???Parkway Cycle Manager???, encountered many times before, offered 'food & beverage' (from a Food Cart onsite at Parkway Cycle)...while I walked along the street
*Best Buy [Consumer Electronics Chain]: 1 Store Associate, encountered many times before, offered monies (to pay for something to eat), after asking about my day...while I used a sink in the Ladies restroom
*Outside of Stop & Shop [Supermarket Chain]: 1 Shopper (w/ a companion) [w/ a vehicle] offered money, before warning me to not get caught up in Religion and end up losing my life, also inquired about "my travel situation & story"...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet (plugged into an outdoor power outlet) alongside the Supermarket
*Fuel Island of Sunoco/APlus [Gas Station/Convenience Store] across from Stop & Shop [Supermarket Chain]: 1 Customer offered monies (to pay for something to eat)...while I stood under the awning of the Fuel Island to get shelter from rain; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered monies, and encouragement (to find a warm place to stay inside, where it was safe)
*Dunkin' Donuts [Doughnut Company and Coffeehouse Chain] adjacent to Popeyes [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Worker, encountered many times before, offered FREE food (w/ a "Sip. Peel. Win." coupon on the order counter) (w/ my order of hot coffee)
*Sunoco/APlus [Gas Station/Convenience Store] next to Popeyes: 1 Worker, encountered many times before, offered a FREE coffee/cappuccino (w/ my Reusable Cup)
*Outside of Taco Bell [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Worker offered a FREE beverage (drink cup), after asking if I wanted a drink...while I finished off some food (purchased earlier) alongside the Restaurant

*Dunkin' Donuts: 1 Worker, encountered many times before, offered a FREE doughnut ('my ordered doughnut')
*Parking Lot Lane near Taxi Stand at Market Basket [Supermarket Chain]: 1 Taxi Driver [in a taxicab], encountered many times before, offered companionship (to hang out w/ me at my tent), after asking about my sleeping arrangements...while I walked across the parking lot
*Market Basket [Supermarket Chain]: 1 Shopper offered 'to pay for my groceries'
*Outside of Burger King [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Customer [w/ a van] offered monies...soon after I exited the Restaurant; 1 Customer [on another day] offered money...after I stood up to enter the Restaurant (after finishing off "food and beverage" [on a sidewalk curb] just outside of the Restaurant); 1 Customer (who used to attend a Baptist Church, and is from New York) offered monies, after asking if I wanted something to eat, also asked about my travel situation...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet alongside the Restaurant
*Outside of [an International Coffeehouse Chain]: 1 [in a vehicle] offered monies (to pay for something to eat), after saying, "Hey, [gal]! Go get yourself something to eat. (Then, they handed me money.)"...soon after I placed down my hiking gear on a ledge of a retaining wall (landscaping wall) in the Outdoor Dining Area; 1 Customer offered 'to pay for food & beverage' (including a cup of coffee)...after I pulled out my Reusable Cup from my tote bag

*MBTA Red Line [Rapid Transit Subway Train]: 1 Rider (who is a Christian, and Missionary) [in a train] offered job suggestions (e.g., to work as a Missionary overseas), and Religious Church information/suggestions (w/ a promotional business card from a Church in Boston), also inquired about "my travel situation & story"...while I stood on a train

*Outside of Dunkin' Donuts ("Drive-Thru" Only): 1 Worker offered a FREE beverage (cup of coffee), and $$$help (directions to the local Walmart)$$$...after I asked where to find the local Walmart at the "Drive-Thru" window

*MBTA Quincy Adams [Rapid Transit Station]: 1 Local Bus Driver (who is from Detroit, MI) [in a transit bus] offered a FREE public transit payment card (CharlieCard), and help (e.g., "to load the CharlieCard," and "to card tap enter the Subway Station gates"), after asking about "my travel situation & story"
*Outside of Dunkin' Donuts/The Home Depot [Home Improvement Store]: 1 Store Associate offered 'to pay for food & beverage,' a Hotel room stay (later that night [if wanted]), Food & Shelter Agency information/suggestions (to work day labor jobs w/ an Agency in Boston for food and shelter), and encouragement, also inquired about "my travel situation & story"...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet at an Outdoor Dining table


In October, the locals of Chelsea, Everett, Philadelphia, Claymont, Newark, and Elkton offered me food, liquid refreshment, monies, gift card(s), tote bag(s), ride(s), help, companionship, Shelter information/suggestions, travel advice, and encouragement. *End result: food, ticket(s) (shuttle, Greyhound bus, train, etc.), another replacement luggage cart, replacement pair of shoes (boots), more tape, more trash bags, and another green hooded jacket (from

*Underneath Adamski Memorial Highway/US-1 (U.S. Highway 1) [Bridge Overpass] on Spruce Street near Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Headquarters [Federal Government Office]: 1 Construction Worker [in a work uniform] (who used to be homeless), encountered before, offered a beverage (bottle of orange juice), after "greeting me" and "requesting a hug"...I was approached, while I prepared to pack out of my pitched tent on a section of sidewalk under the bridge that was barricaded/fenced (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) (after camping overnight) (after it rained throughout the morning); 1 Construction Worker (the aforementioned), encountered many times before, [on another day] offered fruit (bananas), after saying, "Rise and shine, baby! I got something for you!"; 1 Construction Worker (the aforementioned), encountered many times before, [on more than 1 occasion] offered 'food & beverage' (i.e., bananas, and a bottle of tea); 1 Construction Worker (the aforementioned), encountered many times before, [on another day] offered 'food & beverage' (i.e., a doughnut [in a "To-Go" bag] from Dunkin' Donuts, and bottle of tea)...while I rested inside my pitched tent (after camping overnight); 1 Construction Worker (the aforementioned), encountered many times before, [on another day] offered a beverage (bottle of orange juice); 1 Construction Worker (the aforementioned), encountered many times before, [on another day] offered 'food & beverage' (i.e., a doughnut [in a "To-Go" bag] from Dunkin' Donuts, and bottle of orange juice), after saying, "Happy Friday, baby! I got something for you!"; 1 Construction Worker [in a work uniform] [on another day] offered a tote bag (i.e., a used reusable tote bag from Marshalls [Discount Department Store Chain])...after I packed away my tent (after camping overnight); 2 [on another day] offered monies, after looking around--lost--towards me (as if to ask me for help)...after I explained (to the 2) how to exit the barricaded/fenced (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) area under the bridge, before moving my hiking gear into my pitched tent (to camp overnight)
*Dunkin' Donuts [Doughnut Company and Coffeehouse Chain]: 1 Worker (w/ a Co-worker), encountered many times before, offered a FREE muffin ('my ordered muffin'); 1 Worker, encountered many times before, [on another day] offered FREE doughnuts...while I waited for my ordered beverage (that a Popeyes Worker offered 'to pay for'); 1 Worker, encountered before, [on another day] offered FREE doughnuts ('my ordered doughnut'); 1 Worker, encountered many times before, [on another day] offered a FREE doughnut ('my ordered doughnut')
***************REVERSE ALTRUISM:***************
*Burger King [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Manager (w/ a few Workers), encountered many times before, demanded me to leave the Ladies restroom, after loudly knocking on the Ladies restroom door, before stating that they did not want me to use the Ladies restroom ever again, and said that they called the Police...while I used a toilet in the Ladies restroom. [NOTE: On previous visits, a few Workers banged on the Ladies restroom door and heckled me to leave (in English and Spanish), almost every time I entered the Ladies restroom.]
*Doubletree by Hilton Boston Logan Airport Chelsea [Hotel]: 1 USPS Letter Carrier offered Shelter information/suggestions, travel advice (to network w/ the Jewish communities and Synagogues in certain towns in Massachusetts, to get [sponsorship] to Israel), and encouragement (to get somewhere safe for the Winter, because there's a lot of illegal drug activity "on the streets"), after mentioning that they've seen me around the area many times before, before suggesting that I open a page, also asked about my travel situation...after I entered the Ladies restroom
*Outside of Burger King [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Customer [w/ a companion in a van] offered monies, and 'to pay for food'...while I sat alongside the building; 1 Customer offered monies, by saying, "Here you go, sweetie!"...while I prayed over my food
*Outside of Dunkin' Donuts: 1 Popeyes Worker [in work attire] (who works for the local Popeyes) (who held a drink cup from Popeyes), encountered many times before, offered 'to pay for food/beverage,' and additional help (in the future, if needed), before explaining that I could ask them--for help--if I need anything at the Popeyes...while I finished off a muffin (purchased earlier) alongside the building
*Outside of Market Basket [Supermarket Chain]: 1 Shopper (who is a self-proclaimed "Boston Girl," and used to work for Stop & Shop) [w/ groceries in a shopping cart], encountered many times before, offered monies (to pay for food), and encouragement (to get somewhere safe, because there were devils out there ???in the streets???), after asking me if I was from Detroit (MI), also inquired about the status of my travel situation...while I walked towards an entrance
*HomeGoods [Home Goods Retail Store Chain]: 1 Shopper (who is a Believer in the "Owner of the World") offered encouragement (to know that I'll meet the "Owner of the World," and get to Israel), after asking if I was in the Military, before requesting my information (such as my email address, and Facebook page link), also inquired about "my travel situation & story"...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet inside the entryway
*Residence Inn/Fairfield Inn [Dual-Brand Hotel]: 1 Guest offered monies, after asking, "Are you, all good?"...while I sat on an upper-level floor landing in a stairway. [NOTE: I decided to tough it out inside a stairway, because it was too windy outside to pitch my tent. On the previous night, it was so windy outside that I had to stay awake (and up) and often adjust my tent poles (from collapsing), while inside my pitched tent. After that night of "when strong winds attack a cheap Walmart tent," I noticed that a few tent pole sticks were damaged.]

*Outside of Dunkin' Donuts [Doughnut Company and Coffeehouse Chain] adjacent to Popeyes [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 offered monies (i.e., the change from the transaction), and 'to pay for food & beverage,' after commenting about my hiking gear, before giving me a hug...while I sat (on a ledge) alongside the building; 1 Popeyes Customer [who wore a Painting Company shirt] (w/ Co-workers) offered food (i.e., the leftovers from a meal at the Popeyes next door), after asking if I wanted their last piece of chicken; 1 ???Popeyes Customer??? (Taxi Driver) [w/ a taxicab van] [on another day] offered monies...while I stood alongside the building; 1 Popeyes Customer [in a vehicle] [on another day] offered 'to pay for food' (from Popeyes)...while I stood (and monitored through the windows my tablet PC that was recharging w/ a power outlet [on a window sill] inside the Dining Room); 1 [in a vehicle w/ a Child] [on another day] offered bottled water, and monies, after asking, "Do you need anything?"...while I sat (on a ledge) alongside the building; 1 [w/ a vehicle that displayed an Uber (Taxicab-Style Transportation Service) decal] offered food (i.e., a burger [if wanted], and fries [in a paper bag] from Five Guys Burgers and Fries [Fast-Food Chain]), after asking if I was hungry...while I walked towards my hiking gear; 1 [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies, before saying, "God bless [you]!"...while I sat (on a ledge) alongside the building; 1 (who works for the Salvation Army and homeless w/ alcoholism) (w/ a ???Customer???) [in a vehicle that displayed a New York license plate] offered monies, after asking if I had anything to eat, also inquired about "my travel situation & story"; 1 Popeyes Customer offered 'to pay for food & beverage' (from Popeyes), and encouragement (to take care of [myself]), after asking if I had anything to eat; 1 Customer [on another day] offered monies, after asking about my well-being, before talking about the U.S. President's treatment of immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border...while I stood (w/ a cup of coffee [purchased earlier]); 1 Popeyes Customer  [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered monies, after asking, "Excuse me, do you want $$$ dollars?"...while I stood (and monitored through the windows my tablet PC that was recharging w/ a power outlet [on a window sill] inside the Dining Room); 1 Local Worker [in a vehicle] offered money, help (information about getting cheap clothing from the Goodwill [Non-profit Thrift Store Chain] in Cambridge, MA), and encouragement (to be blessed by God), before requesting my cellphone number, also inquired about "my travel situation & story"; 1 Popeyes Customer [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered a meal (i.e., the leftovers from a meal [w/ beverage] from Popeyes)...while I stood alongside the building; 1 [w/ a Child in a vehicle] [on another day] offered 'to pay for food' (from Popeyes), after asking if I wanted anything to eat...while I sat (on a ledge) alongside the building; 1 Popeyes Customer (who has a Close Relation that is married to a Jew that lives in Israel) [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered 'to pay for food' (from Popeyes), and encouragement, after asking if I needed help, before saying, "You look familiar... God bless you! I hope everything works out [for you]." also asked about my travel situation; 1 Local Worker, encountered before, offered 'to pay for food & beverage'...while I stood (on a ledge); 1 Customer [in a work van that displayed a Bobcat of Boston (Construction Equipment Company) decal] offered monies, and encouragement (???to have the best of luck???), after asking if I had a place to stay, also asked about "my travel situation & story"...after I hopped up to move away from the edge of a parking space as the Customer walked towards their van; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered 'to pay for food & beverage,' and encouragement (to have good luck), before asking, "So, where are you staying at night?" also inquired about "my travel situation & story"...while I sat (on a ledge) alongside the building; 1 Popeyes Customer (w/ a Child) [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered help (if needed), after asking if I was OK, before saying that it was cold outside; 1 Local Worker [who wore safety glasses (above their eyes)] (who works w/ Charities and Hospitals) [on another day] offered monies, 'to pay for food & beverage' (from Popeyes), and help (if needed), before handing me their contact information (written on paper)...while I sat (and monitored through the windows my tablet PC that was recharging w/ a power outlet [on a window sill] inside the Dining Room); 1 Popeyes Customer [w/ a vehicle that displayed a Texas license plate] offered a meal (i.e., chicken [:( ], and a biscuit [in a box] w/ a beverage from Popeyes)...while I stood (and monitored through the windows my tablet PC that was recharging w/ a power outlet [on a window sill] inside the Dining Room)
*Outside of Sunoco/APlus [Gas Station/Convenience Store] next to Popeyes: 1 Customer [who wore a backpack], encountered many times before, offered money, after greeting me...while I used FREE WiFi w/ my tablet (on a sidewalk curb) alongside the building; 1 Local, encountered many times before, [on another day] offered 'food & water' (i.e., a slice of pie [in a clear plastic container], and bottled water)...while I stood alongside the building (after rainfall); 1 Customer [who wore a backpack], encountered many times before, [on another day] offered money; 1 Customer [on another day] offered 'to pay for food & water/beverage' (including bottled water), after asking if I wanted anything in there (inside the Gas Station/Convenience Store)...while I looked through the windows into the Gas Station/Convenience Store (from outside the building); 1 ???Local Worker??? (w/ another Customer) [on another day] offered money, after inquiring about "my travel situation & story"...while I stood alongside the building (to get overhead awning protection from the rainy weather); 1 Customer [in a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies, after asking if I was waiting for a ride...while I sat (on a sidewalk curb) alongside the building; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies, after asking, "Do you need some cash? (Then, they handed me money.) I just found it (the money) the other day."; 1 Customer (who is Catholic, yet grew up attending Pentecostal, Baptist and Evangelical Churches, and plans to put together a Multi-Faith Ministry) [w/ a vehicle], encountered many times before, [on another day] offered money, 'to pay for food & beverage,' help (if needed), and encouragement, before repeatedly saying, "Shabbat Shalom!" also asked about the status of my travel situation...while I used FREE WiFi w/ my tablet alongside the building; 1 Local (who stays at a new Apartment Complex nearby) [w/ a companion in a vehicle] offered money, after mentioning that they've seen me walking past their house (apartment building) before, before saying that my hiking backpack looked heavy...while I ate a snack (that the aforementioned Customer offered 'to pay for') (on a sidewalk curb) alongside the building
*Outside of Sunoco/APlus [Gas Station/Convenience Store] across from Stop & Shop [Supermarket Chain]: 1 Customer [in a vehicle] offered help (w/ rides, if I ever need anything, then they'll come pick me up), before handing me a business card...while I sipped a cup of coffee/cappuccino (w/ my Reusable Cup) (next to the Icebox) alongside the building; 1 Customer (who supports backpacking, and plans to hike/backpack through wilderness areas) [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies, and encouragement, after asking if I was waiting for a ride, before saying, "I respect your hustle and grind." also inquired about "my travel situation & story"...while I sat (on a sidewalk curb) (next to the Propane Tank Locker) on one side of the building; 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] [on another day] offered monies...after I exited the building (w/ a bowl of oatmeal); 1 Local Worker [w/ a Co-worker in a pickup truck that displayed a Contractor company decal] [on another day] offered 'food & water' (including bottled water)...while I prayed over a bowl of oatmeal (on a sidewalk curb) (next to the Icebox) alongside the building; 1 Local, encountered many times before, [on another day] offered 'food & water' (i.e., bananas, and bottled water)...while I stood (and trimmed my fingernails w/ a fingernail clipper); 1 Customer offered a fruit (banana)...while I sipped a cup of tea (w/ my Reusable Cup) (next to the Icebox); 2 Passersby [1 of the 2 Passersby wore a black nun habit] (who are Veterans, and members of a Dominican Order Congregation) [w/ a bicycle (that belonged to the 1st Passerby)] [on another day] offered monies (from the 2nd Passerby), help (by writing down the 211 number-help line [for Social Services], if needed), Shelter information/suggestions, travel advice (e.g., "that I should stay away from Israel [for at least another year]," "that I should just allow the Lord to direct my life in America," "that I should travel to Israel w/ a Religious/Tour group [to easily gain entry into Israel]," and "that I should travel to Israel w/ a Visa"), and encouragement (to listen to God, because there's a reason why I wasn't allowed to get into Israel), before writing down their contact information, also inquired about "my travel situation & story"...while I sat (next to the Propane Tank Locker) on one side of the building. The 2nd Passerby retold stories about their past Military-style engagements, and warned against traveling to Israel w/o protection, because of the Mossad (the National Intelligence Agency of Israel), which kills Christians (esp. Zionists). Shockingly, they repeated many times that they have a Friend, who "Owns the World," "used to own a big bank in America," "controls the money," and "was a Satanist."
*Outside of Common Ground Coffee Roasters [Coffeehouse Chain]: 1 Customer (w/ a companion) offered travel advice (about getting to Israel via Church sponsorship), after saying, "Maybe you can go visit the Churches! Maybe they'll sponsor you."...while I sat (on a sidewalk curb) alongside the Coffeehouse; 1 Customer, encountered many times before, [on another day] offered 'to pay for a beverage'; 1 Customer (the aforementioned) [on another day] offered 'to pay for a coffee,' by asking, "Do you want a coffee?"
*Dunkin' Donuts adjacent to Popeyes: 1 [ANONYMOUS] (Customer) offered a gift card, before a Worker mentioned that the [ANONYMOUS] (Customer) said that they noticed my hiking gear outside and desired to know who it (the hiking gear) belonged to...then a Worker (encountered many times before) informed me of the charitable donation, while I sat (w/ a cup of hot chocolate [purchased earlier], and used my tablet PC) at a Dining Room table; 1 Worker (who is a new hire), encountered before, [on another day] offered monies...soon after I entered the Dining Room
*Sunoco/APlus [Gas Station/Convenience Store] next to Popeyes: 1 Customer offered monies, after "asking if I was OK" and "mentioning that they've seen me around before"...while I stood inside the building (to get temporary shelter from the chilly, windy, and rainy weather outside)
*Outside of Dunkin' Donuts that shares a Strip Mall Property with Richdale Convenience Store: 1 [in a vehicle w/ a group] offered 'to pay for food & beverage'...while I stood alongside the building; 1 Customer [w/ a bicycle] [on another day] offered monies, Shelter information/suggestions, and encouragement (e.g., "to know that God knows what's on the heart [what's really going on]," "to take care [of myself]," "to be blessed by God," and "to have good luck"), after asking if I ate something that day, also asked about my travel situation...while I sat alongside the building; 1 [in a vehicle that displayed an Illinois license plate] [on another day] offered money...while I sat (and cleaned my teeth w/ a toothpick) (on a sidewalk curb)
*Sunoco/APlus [Gas Station/Convenience Store] across from Stop & Shop [Supermarket Chain]: 2 Customers (the 1st Customer is a self-proclaimed "Boston Girl," and used to work for Stop & Shop) (the 2nd Customer is an older Sibling of the 1st Customer) offered monies (to pay for a cup of coffee [from the 2nd Customer]), and encouragement (from the 1st Customer), after the 1st Customer (encountered earlier that day) "asked for the correct spelling of my name" and "requested my Facebook page link," also the 1st Customer asked about my travel situation...while I prepared a bowl of oatmeal w/ the in-store microwave oven
*Revere Beach Parkway past Common Ground Coffee Roasters [Coffeehouse Chain]: 1 ???Migrant??? [who wore an ID lanyard for a Senior Living Wellness Community in MA] (who spoke heavy Spanish, is from Mexico, yet stays at a Senior Living Wellness Community in MA) offered money, after asking where to find a Liquor Store, also inquired about my 'travel situation & story.' [NOTE: Coincidentally, I was walking towards the Richdale Convenience Store, which was a Liquor Store.]
*Boston Street near the Lot of a Construction Dumpster Company: 1 [in a vehicle w/ a companion and tiny dog (Canine)] offered a meal (i.e., a Kids meal [w/o beverage] from Wendy's), after saying, "Hello, my friend! My friend, please come here [because I would like to offer you some food]."
*Parking Lot of Michaels [Arts & Crafts Retailer Chain]: 1 [w/ a vehicle] offered food...while I packed away my tent in a parking space (after camping overnight)

*Philadelphia Transit Concourse [Underground Subway Pedestrian Tunnel] near 8th & Chestnut Street: 1 Rider [who wore Muslim garb (robe and kufi cap)] offered monies, after asking, "Excuse me, are you 'on the street'?"...while I looked at a Subway map
*Outside of S&S Foods [Wholesale Cash & Carry Warehouse Store] on Christopher Columbus Boulevard across from The Home Depot [Home Improvement Store]: 1 ???Rescue Mission Worker??? [who wore a safety vest jacket] [w/ Co-workers in a van] offered help (if needed)...while I finished off some breakfast cereal inside my pitched tent alongside the Store (near a fenced stairway/platform area) (after camping overnight)
*Outside of Wawa [Convenience Store]: 2 Panhandlers (who are Siblings, U.S. Military Veterans [1st Panhandler served in the Army, and 2nd Panhandler served in the Marines], and from Detroit, MI) (the 1st Panhandler used to travel [e.g., as a Bodyguard] w/ Motown Recording Artists [such as "The Temptations," and "The Jackson 5"]) (the 2nd Panhandler is a Muslim, yet went to Catholic Schools, and also played Sports in Grade School) [the 1st Panhandler had a "The Temptations" discography on the ground propped up against the building] offered 'to pay for food & beverage' (from the 1st Panhandler), companionship (to sit w/ me and chitchat [from the 2nd Panhandler]), help (e.g., "that I should find/use libraries in towns that I visit," and "help in the future, if needed" [from the 1st Panhandler]), and encouragement, also inquired about "my travel situation & story"...while I walked towards the front of the Store. Notably, the 2nd Panhandler spoke w/ me about their upbringing back in Michigan, and repeatedly stated, "The...(their Family Name) came from money!"; 1 JDM Materials Company [Ready Mix Concrete Supplier] Driver [w/ a concrete mixer truck] [on another day] offered monies, after asking if I was alright...while I finished off some breakfast (purchased earlier) (near a sidewalk curb) alongside the Store
*Outside of Wendy's [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Customer offered 'to pay for food & beverage,' after asking if I wanted anything to eat...while I used the FREE WiFi w/ my tablet (on a sidewalk curb) alongside the Restaurant
*Bus Stop on Passyunk Avenue: 1 Local Worker [in a van that displayed a Cooper Electric Supply Co. decal] offered monies, before saying, "Jesus Christ! (Then, they pointed towards the sky.)"...while I waited for a bus

*Corner of Peachtree Lane & Naamans Road near Shell/Circle K [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 [in a vehicle] offered monies, and encouragement (???to continue doing whatever I do unto Jesus Christ???)...while I waited to cross the street at a traffic light

*Outside of Burger King [Fast-Food Chain]: 1 Customer [w/ a vehicle] offered monies...while I sat alongside the Restaurant

*Outside of Carroll [Gas Station/Convenience Store]: 1 [in a pickup truck w/ a companion] offered monies, and a ride (to Baltimore, MD), after asking if I was waiting for a ride...while I sat alongside the building; 1 Customer [in a Construction work uniform] [w/ a dump truck] offered a beverage (bottle of orange juice)...while I stood (next to the Icebox) alongside the building



*$$$...$$$: Charity after Request [*PRICELESS EFFORT*]
*#POLICESHUTTLE#: FREE Law Enforcement Transportation
*#UNDISCLOSED#: Restricted Details about Location of Encounter
*[*FUNNY*]...[*FUNNY*]: Laughable Charitable Occurrence (such as favorable machine error happenstance)
*#CLEANSLATEUTAH#: Expunged/Cleared Criminal Record

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