Tuesday, December 29, 2020

*My Necessary Name Change beyond Pseudonym...seriously...KEIRA (KERA) MUST BE FORBIDDEN FROM CHRISTIAN USAGE*

--> My Christian Name: HaBat Yeshua HaMashiach Adonai Yehovah
--------------------------The Daughter of-the Savior-the Anointed One, the Messiah-the Lord-my God

--> My ol' Maiden Name: Keira Renae Johnson (a Patrilineal Surname that I was not made to truthfully live up to)
--------------------------Dark Haired/Blemished/Defective-Born Again-Son of John

*Reasons for the Name Change:
1. My Religious Conversion to Christianity (a Messianic Judaism), which includes "Rites of Passage" ceremonies/rituals of conversion to Jesus Christ-Yeshua Messiah, who is the "Sacrificial Holy Lamb of God" WITHOUT SPOT AND BLEMISH. Notably, Jesus Christ-Yeshua Messiah has a "head and HAIRS WHITE AS SNOW" (SEE Revelation 1:14). Ironically, the name Keira means DARK HAIRED, and could mean "spotted and blemished." Also, the "Body of Christ" (the Church) is supposed to be found WITHOUT SPOT, BLEMISH AND WRINKLE (SEE Ephesians 5:27). (Sadly, I sense COSMIC IRONY.)
2. The name Keira's shared etymology w/ variations of the name KERA of Greek Mythology female death-spirits called Keres, who are over 4000 YEAR OLD BATTLEFIELD CANNIBALS.
3. Strangely, Medical/Health Care (MHC) (a Greek Mythology Healing Temple Order) HAS NO CLUE that it cannot have any dealings with me, and carelessly allow the name Keira to fill Medical Records/Databases, because it is a summon (invocation) of the names of Greek Mythology female death-spirits called Keres (the bloodthirsty cannibals). (For example, if any babies are named Zeus in MHC Hospitals, then those babies would be a summon of the lead Greek Mythology God Zeus, who killed MHC's God of Healing Asclepius.)

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