Thursday, August 15, 2013



August 13, 2013: 
-----------------> In the morning, I picked up my property from the Washington State Patrol Headquarters in Bellevue, WA, and headed back to Tacoma, WA via the local/regional bus system. Over 2 hours later, I scoped out the Court/Jail square, on Tacoma Ave. in Downtown Tacoma, and started my first wave of "VISIBLE & COMPETENT with the CLOAK of Renunciation & Treason" silent [yet CIVILIZED] protest/demonstration in front of the County City Building. 

-----------------> By afternoon, I decided to MAKE A FIRST IMPRESSION at the adjacent Pierce County Jail, and presented my protest statement, while proudly walking along the western side of the facility, near an 'Employee Only' entrance. It appeared that some of the office workers noticed me outside their office windows, and after 20 minutes, an Officer approached. The Officer suggested that I take the protest/demonstration to the sidewalk closest to the street. So, I protested/demonstrated near the street outside the Jail with a handheld statement and a statement on my backpack above a newspaper box. I experienced a fairly good reception from the passersby...

----------------->, by evening I pitched my tent in front of the Jail lawn on the sidewalk and, in the tent screen door, showcased 3 versions of the "Renunciation & Treason" statement and my "New Incarceration Facility (Tree/Flower) Design" print out. A few passersby knocked on my tent and asked for a more detailed breakdown of the protest/demonstration. I even got a chance to sharpen the verbal presentation of my religious/spiritual message and medical/health care/incarceration system views, when a local complimented my efforts and provided additional moral/legal arguments to consider in future court hearings. Unfortunately, the other [presumed] 'conscientious objector' and I diverged on the basics of love as it relates to  sexual activity. The local, who sat calmly in front of my tent, posed to me an 'ecological generalist' open-ended view that sex is permissible if all parties involved really 'make love' to each other. Of course, I disagreed on the religious basis that sex outside of marriage is sinful, and mentioned that "I am a Celibate Christian" who does not support sex outside of marriage. Eventually, the local departed after repeatedly requesting to touch my hand.*ODD*


August 14, 2013:
-----------------> In the morning, a local Law Enforcement Officer roughly hit my tent and demanded that I pack up and leave. So, after another Officer joined the 'sidewalk eviction notice' and said that I cannot pitch a tent on any sidewalks in town, I left that area. After dining-in at Subway, and feeding the birds animal crackers at the area 'transit park,' I took the protest/demonstration to the United States Courthouse. Soon after, a Security Officer directed me away from the front glass doors to the front sidewalk. So, I continued the protest/demonstration near the street.

-----------------> After a few hours, I grabbed a bag of popcorn from a local popcorn/snack shop, and walked towards the I-705 entry ramp. I settled down on the center-line fork of the entry ramp and continued eating popcorn, while holding, with my other hand, my notepad with the "Renunciation & Treason" statement. A half hour later, a State Patrol Officer stopped their vehicle on the fork, and asked for my identification after stating that it is illegal to protest on the Interstate. The Officer issued me a verbal warning, and offered to give me a ride to an area off the HIGHWAY. I was dropped off at a gas station across from a huge [very visible] EQC Casino sign.


August 15, 2013: 
-----------------> This wee early morning, while typing on my laptop outside of a Subway [after the LaQuinta security asked me to leave their hotel computer center], I have come to terms with the realization that my upcoming activities may actually result in long-term INCARCERATION or better yet STATELESSNESS and BANISHMENT to the STATE OF ISRAEL.[*HMM*...Israel is a STATE, too?!]


  1. NOTE: The Washington State Patrol still has my Subway card and pocket mirror. They FAILED to return to my possession all of my property. So, I actually paid for Subway, yesterday, with physical money.*PAINFUL*

  2. UPDATE NOTE: Subway Card & Mirror FOUND on August 30th, after thoroughly searching for black watch and Nebraska State ID [SEE 'COURT DOCUMENTS WASHINGTON' -> 'LAKEWOOD, WA' post]
